Hi All,
I need your assistance with the VBA code below. I would like to add
functionality to the below VBA but so far is not working with my
changes. Please help.
Below is the VBA and the new functionality I would like to include.
Thanks in advance.
Public Sub SalesPerformance(SalesTeamMembers As String)
Dim Team(1 To 20) As Variant
Dim Estimate(1 To 20) As Variant
Dim i, m, p As Integer
' Row Counter on the sales performance worksheet for the list of
SalesIDs with estimates outstanding
p = 3
Set Slist = Range("SalesID")
Set SName = Range("SalesTeamName")
Set Slink = Range("LinkToSalesID")
'Hi All, this where I would like to check for the below statements
before it gets to the For Loops
'If Sales_Quote_Required <> "" AND Sales_Quote_Completed <> "" then
continue with the For Loops below
'The above if statement does not work, no data is display but I
checked manually and there is data with the above paramenters
For i = 1 To 20
RName = "Team" & i
Set Team(i) = Range(RName)
EName = "EstCom" & i
Set Estimate(i) = Range(EName)
' Loop through SalesIDs and for the team selected write out the
SalesID if they have an estimate outstanding
For Each ID In Slist
i = ID.Row
For m = 1 To 20
If ((InStr(1, Team(m)(i - 1), SalesTeamMembers) > 0) And
(Estimate(m)(i - 1) = "N")) Then
p = p + 1
Sheets("Sales Quotes").Range("A" & p).Value = ID.Value
' SalesID
With Sheets("Sales Quotes")
.Hyperlinks.Add .Range("A" & p), SLink(i)(0) '
Turn the SalesID Number into a link
End With
Sheets("Sales Quotes").Range("B" & p).Value = SName(i)
End If
I need your assistance with the VBA code below. I would like to add
functionality to the below VBA but so far is not working with my
changes. Please help.
Below is the VBA and the new functionality I would like to include.
Thanks in advance.
Public Sub SalesPerformance(SalesTeamMembers As String)
Dim Team(1 To 20) As Variant
Dim Estimate(1 To 20) As Variant
Dim i, m, p As Integer
' Row Counter on the sales performance worksheet for the list of
SalesIDs with estimates outstanding
p = 3
Set Slist = Range("SalesID")
Set SName = Range("SalesTeamName")
Set Slink = Range("LinkToSalesID")
'Hi All, this where I would like to check for the below statements
before it gets to the For Loops
'If Sales_Quote_Required <> "" AND Sales_Quote_Completed <> "" then
continue with the For Loops below
'The above if statement does not work, no data is display but I
checked manually and there is data with the above paramenters
For i = 1 To 20
RName = "Team" & i
Set Team(i) = Range(RName)
EName = "EstCom" & i
Set Estimate(i) = Range(EName)
' Loop through SalesIDs and for the team selected write out the
SalesID if they have an estimate outstanding
For Each ID In Slist
i = ID.Row
For m = 1 To 20
If ((InStr(1, Team(m)(i - 1), SalesTeamMembers) > 0) And
(Estimate(m)(i - 1) = "N")) Then
p = p + 1
Sheets("Sales Quotes").Range("A" & p).Value = ID.Value
' SalesID
With Sheets("Sales Quotes")
.Hyperlinks.Add .Range("A" & p), SLink(i)(0) '
Turn the SalesID Number into a link
End With
Sheets("Sales Quotes").Range("B" & p).Value = SName(i)
End If