VBA - Close File



Hi! I would like to close a file without saving changes
to the file.

The file to close: "Cost.dat"
Filename is assigned to a variable -
cost = "C:\My Documents\Cost.dat"

I am using the code:
Workbooks(cost).Close savechanges:=0

I get error message:
Subscript out of range

Thanks in advance!

Dave Peterson

You don't supply the drive and folder to the workbooks collection.

You'll have to separate it so that it looks more like:
workbooks("cost.dat").close savechanges:=false

But another way is to use a variable to represent that workbook.

dim CostWkbk as workbook
dim Cost as string
cost = "c:\my documents\cost.dat"
workbooks.opentext filename:=cost, ....'all your code to open it
set costwkbk = activeworkbook
'do lots of stuff
costwkbk.close savechanges:=false

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