VBA code for query criteria



I need to run a query from code and I want the query to get its criteria from
an item the user chooses in a drop down box. Ordinarily I would put the
criteria straight into the query like this [Please choose the Application
number] and of course the user would type in the Application number they
wanted, but I want the user to be able to pick the application number from
the drop down box. Can anyone tell me what the code for this would be?

Jeff Boyce

One approach to handling this is to use a form and a combobox (drop-down
box). Then modify your query to use that value (the combobox's) as the
parameter/criterion. The query's Criterion "cell" would look something
Of course, the form would have to be open for this query to work. And you
could add a command button that ran that query on the form...


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Microsoft Registered Partner

Al Campagna

Refer to the combo value on the form in your query.
While the form is open, a query criteria against a field of....
= Forms!frmYourFormName!cboMyComboName
will filter that query just like your "parameter" example.
Al Campagna . Candia Computer Consulting . Candia, NH USA
Microsoft Access MVP

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