VBA Code Help - Moved from an older topic



Below is the code that i have been slowly adding to to accomplish a
task of moving all of this information to another sheet. The two
sheets that I have are RA and inspect form and copysheet. The code
runs great until the last two lines. I can not figure out why it is
throwing an error.


Sub addsheet()
Dim form As Worksheet
Dim copy1 As Worksheet
Dim NextRow As Long
Dim rCount As Integer

Sheets.Add Type:="Worksheet"
With ActiveSheet
.Move After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
.Name = "copysheet"
End With

Set form = Sheets("RA and inspect Form")
NextRow = form.Range("A10").End(xlDown).Row
Set copy1 = Sheets("copysheet")
form.Range("A10").Resize(NextRow - 9, 8).copy
copy1.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues,
Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
copy1.Cells.Sort _
Key1:=Range("B1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess,
OrderCustom:=1, _
MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom,
DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, _
Key2:=Range("F1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess,
OrderCustom:=1, _
MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom,

rowCount = 1

Do While Range("A" & rowCount) <> "" And Range("F" & rowCount) <>
If Range("B" & rowCount) = Range("B" & (rowCount + 1)) _
And Range("F" & rowCount) = Range("F" & (rowCount + 1)) Then

Data = Range("A" & (rowCount + 1))
Data2 = Range("B" & (rowCount + 1))
Data3 = Range("C" & (rowCount + 1))
Data4 = Range("D" & (rowCount + 1))
Data5 = Range("E" & (rowCount + 1))
Data6 = Range("F" & (rowCount + 1))

If Range("A" & rowCount) = "" And Range("F" & rowCount) = ""
Range("A" & rowCount) = Data
Range("B" & rowCount) = Data2
Range("C" & rowCount) = Data3
Range("D" & rowCount) = Data4
Range("E" & rowCount) = Data5
Range("F" & rowCount) = Data6
Range("A" & rowCount) = Range("A" & rowCount) & ", " &
Range("B" & rowCount) = Range("B" & rowCount)
Range("C" & rowCount) = Range("C" & rowCount) & ", " &
Range("D" & rowCount) = Range("D" & rowCount) & ", " &
Range("E" & rowCount) = Range("E" & rowCount) + Data5
Range("F" & rowCount) = Range("F" & rowCount)
End If

Rows(rowCount + 1).Delete
rowCount = rowCount + 1
End If
copy1.Range("A:A").Cut copy1.Range("H:H")
copy1.Range("F:F").Cut copy1.Range("I:I")
copy1.Range("B:B").Cut copy1.Range("O:O")
copy1.Range("E:E").Cut copy1.Range("Q:Q")
copy1.Range("C:C").Cut copy1.Range("F:F")
copy1.Range("D:D").Cut copy1.Range("G:G")
rCount = copy1.UsedRange.Rows.Count

Range(Range("A1"), Range("A" & rCount)).NumberFormat = "mm/dd/
Range(Range("A1"), Range("A" & rCount)) = form.Range("B1")
Range(Range("C1"), Range("C" & rCount)) = form.Range("B2")
Range(Range("L1"), Range("L" & rCount)) = form.Range("G2")
Range(Range("M1"), Range("M" & rCount)) = form.Range("B5")
Range(Range("N1"), Range("N" & rCount)) = form.Range("B7")
Dim rFound As Range

With Sheets("RA and inspect form")
Set rFound = .Columns(1).Find(What:="Inspection Notes", _
After:=.Cells(1, 1), LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False, _
If Not rFound Is Nothing Then
End If
End With
Dim department, empname As Range

Set department = rFound.Offset(27, 1)
Set empname = rFound.Offset(27, 2)
copy1.Range(Range("J1"), Range("J" & rCount)) = department
copy1.Range(Range("K1"), Range("J" & rCount)) = empname
End Sub


Below is the code that i have been slowly adding to to accomplish a
task of moving all of this information to another sheet.  The two
sheets that I have are RA and inspect form and copysheet.  The code
runs great until the last two lines.  I can not figure out why it is
throwing an error.

   copy1.Range(Range("J1"), Range("J" & rCount)) = department
   copy1.Range(Range("K1"), Range("J" & rCount)) = empname
End Sub

copy1.Range(copy1.Range("J1"), copy1.Range("J" & rCount)) = department
copy1.Range(copy1.Range("K1"), copy1.Range("J" & rCount)) = empname

After I was ready to throw the computer out the window, i actually
read my code and realized that I had not specified the sheet to use
for each of the ranges. Since I had not activated any sheets it
assumed the one that it starts on was the right one. Silly me.

Dave Peterson

These 2 lines?

copy1.Range(Range("J1"), Range("J" & rCount)) = department
copy1.Range(Range("K1"), Range("K" & rCount)) = empname

The range("J1") and range("J" & rcount) are both unqualified. Depending on
where the code is, they could refer to the activesheet (code is in a general
module) or they could refer to the sheet that owns the code (code behind a

So you have a few choices--but all depend on you qualifying the ranges:

copy1.Range(copy1.Range("J1"), copy1.Range("J" & rCount)) = department
copy1.Range(copy1.Range("K1"), copy1.Range("K" & rCount)) = empname


with copy1
.Range(.Range("J1"), .Range("J" & rCount)) = department
.Range(.Range("K1"), .Range("k" & rCount)) = empname
end with

The dots in front of those range objects mean they belong to the object in the
previous With statement -- in this case the copy1 worksheet.

or the one I'd use:

copy1.Range("J1:J" & rcount) = department
copy1.Range("K1:K" & rCount)) = empname


These 2 lines?

   copy1.Range(Range("J1"), Range("J" & rCount)) = department
   copy1.Range(Range("K1"), Range("K" & rCount)) = empname

The range("J1") and range("J" & rcount) are both unqualified.  Dependingon
where the code is, they could refer to the activesheet (code is in a general
module) or they could refer to the sheet that owns the code (code behind a

So you have a few choices--but all depend on you qualifying the ranges:

   copy1.Range(copy1.Range("J1"), copy1.Range("J" & rCount)) = department
   copy1.Range(copy1.Range("K1"), copy1.Range("K" & rCount)) = empname


   with copy1
      .Range(.Range("J1"), .Range("J" & rCount)) = department
      .Range(.Range("K1"), .Range("k" & rCount)) = empname
   end with

The dots in front of those range objects mean they belong to the object inthe
previous With statement -- in this case the copy1 worksheet.

or the one I'd use:

   copy1.Range("J1:J" & rcount) = department
   copy1.Range("K1:K" & rCount)) = empname


Dave Peterson- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Thanks for that Dave. I will keep thqat in mond for later code.

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