VBA Code Locks Up Database



When I run this code by opening up a form it works fine. When I run the code
within a Macro it locks up the database when it is done running.

Dim dbs As Database
Dim rec1 As Recordset

Set dbs = CurrentDb

Set rec1 = dbs.OpenRecordset("NewTable")

DoCmd.CopyObject , rec1!Field6, acTable, "UnCompressedPlan"

DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmRename"

End Sub

George Nicholson

when you run it via macro is frmRename open? (i.e., any chance the macro is
choking on being told to close a form that isn't open?)


The only command I put in the Macro is OpenForm. The code closes the form so
I don't think the macro is choking on that. I've tried turing warnings on an
off but so far I am stumped. I'll try opening the form in the macro and then
closing it in the macro instead of VBA. Thanks for your response.

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