VBA code manipulation cells



Hi there,
It is possible with vba code to click a button or 5 buttons in this case to
select the appropriate cell, A1, A20, A40, A60, A80.... as the selection is
made I would like the selected cell to be in the upper left corner, so if I
clicked Cat we would scroll down to cat and row 20 would be the first row
seen? Thanks Craig
1 Dog

20 Cat

40 Bird

60 Lion

80 Tiger



This is an example of how to scroll as you require. Attach a similar macro
to your button(s): I don't know how you enter your criteria i.e CAT,DOG etc.

Sub Scroll()

Dim myCell As Range, MyRow As Integer, findstr As String
findstr = InputBox("Enter search argument")

Set myCell = Range("A:A").Find(findstr) ' Find Search argument
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = myCell.Row 'Scroll to this cell

End Sub

RB Smissaert

Sub ScrollToCat()
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 20
End Sub

Make macro buttons (View, Toolbars, Forms, click button and draw it in the
sheet) in row 1.
Assign to your macros as above.
To keep the buttons visible click in cell A2 and do Window, Freeze Pane.
I suppose dog will have to move to row 2.


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