VBA Code not working in Word 2003


Steve Tennison

I created a document in Word 2000 that uses mail merge
through VBA code. For the purpose I am using the document
I have put a command button on the Word Template to
retrieve data from a text file. If I open the document
using Word 2000, selecting the file using Explorer, or
select the document via a FTP connection everything works
fine. If I open the document using Word 2003 or selecting
the file using Explorer the document and VBA code works
fine. If I open the document by selecting it via a FTP
connection, the VBA code does not work (Word 2003 is fired
and the document opens). Any suggestions as to why
previous versions of Word and VBA worked fine but under
Word 2003 and VBA (Version 9969) it doesn't? Our company
is upgrading to Word 2003 but no one informed our
development group they were doing so we are now finding
problems. Thanks for your assistance.

Steve Tennison

As it turns out the problem is the set up in Explorer, not
Internet Explorer. The association of the File Type "DOC"
had "Open" document in same window checked. When you do
this, regardless of Word version it assumes Internet
Explorer's menu structure instead of Word's Menu Structure
therefore VBA is not available. This only applies in the
situations explained below. Unchecking the "Browse in
same window" takes care of the problem.

Word Heretic

G'day "Steve Tennison" <[email protected]>,

Probably tighter security by design ;-(

Steve Hudson
Word Heretic Sydney Australia
Tricky stuff with Word or words

Email: WordHeretic at tpg.com.au

Steve Tennison was spinning this yarn:

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