VBA Code or Macro Help/Advice Please




I have to perform the following task on a spreadsheet with more than
5000 records on it. Is it possible to write a macro or some VB code to
do this.

I wish to match data from two excel spreadsheets. After matching them I

want to try and match the remaining unmatched data with another
spreadsheet. This is how it should work.

There are two spreadsheets say spreadsheet A (sA) and spreadsheet (sB)

Now the date on spredasheet A is in american Date format that is
mm/dd/yyyy and in spreadsheet B is in yyyymmdd format.

The first thing I want to do is delete all the records from sA and sB
which have dates > than a particular date that will be stored in
another worksheet.

Then I want to match Column C in sA with Column E in sB. It should
remove all the matching Columns and leave me with the Unmatched

Now the remaining Unmatched records need to be matched to another
Spreadsheet, say sreadsheet C (sC).

So, now sA needs to be matched to sC and sB needs to be matched to sC
based on one of the columns.

Could anyone help please.

Many Thanks and Kind Regards,

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