VBA code to change the penwidth or to get an highlighter in PP


Sir Joe

I already asked the PowerPoint newsgroup, without success. Let me try again

I am using PowerPoint 2003 with a Motion Tablet-PC and Windows XP tablet PC
edition. I want to put comments and drawings on the slide, during the
presentation. I created command buttons (with VBA 6.0 macros), so I am able
to change the color of the pen quickly. For instance following macro creates
a thick red pen (with a thickness of about 3 points):

Private Sub CommandButtonRed_Click()
With ActivePresentation.SlideShowSettings.Run.View
.PointerColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
.PointerType = ppSlideShowPointerPen
End With
End Sub

How can I write a macro creating a thin pen (1/2 point or 1 point)?
How can I write a macro creating an highlighter pen?

VBA 6.0 does not offer these choices. However I am sure, there must be a
solution: PowerPoint offers these features in his own popup menu (which
handling is too laborious for my purpose).

I think I need some add-ins or API or DLL-Library, COM or whatever else, but
I have big troubles finding the right tool.

Does somebody have an idea? Thank you very much for any help.

Sir Joe

NB1: Why do I not use the popup menu of PowerPoint? Because it needs to much
time. For instance to create a pink highlighter I need 5 pointer clicks. With
a command button I need only 1 click.

NB2: I also downloaded Visual Basic 2005 express edition to try to
understand, if this could help me. I think it could, but the way is not

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