VBA Code to display Resource Graphs for Specific Resources


Peter Rooney

Could some kind soul give me a clue as to how to display the resource graph
for a specific Resource using VBA.
I want to be able to run a macro that displays the graph for Resource A,
prints it, Resource B, prints it, and do on.
When I roll my mouse down on the chart view, the recorder records
"SelectCellRight", but this is not a solution, as I might want to print
graphss for non-contiguous Resources.

Thanks in advance


Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Peter,

I'm not 100%sure how you want to run this but the following macro should
give you a start:

Sub PrintResoGr()
Dim Ctr As Integer
Dim RN As String
Dim Res As Resource
ViewApply "Resource Graph"
RN = InputBox("Give Resource Name")
If Len(RN) = 0 Then Exit Sub
For Each Res In ActiveProject.Resources
If Not Res Is Nothing Then
If LCase(Res.Name) = LCase(RN) Then FilePrintPreview
End If
Next Res
GoTo Begin
End Sub

Tested in P2000.

Peter Rooney


Sorry for not getting back to you yesterday.
This is a good start for me, but if I don't want to scroll through all the
Graphs and instead only want to print out a certain set of graphs, say, for a
subset of my resources, is there any way in which I can say (for example):

<<Display the Graph for Laura Jones>>
FilePrint FromDate:="31/01/05 09:00", Todate:="27/02/05 17:30"

<<Display the Graph for Graham Tatton>>
FilePrint FromDate:="31/01/05 09:00", Todate:="27/02/05 17:30"

<<Display the Graph for Peter Eardley>>
FilePrint FromDate:="31/01/05 09:00", Todate:="27/02/05 17:30"

etc etc



Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Peter,
That's exactly what I want my code to help you with!
You only have to add the print instruction, the selection mechanism is
Try it!

Peter Rooney

You're right - I had to think a little - THAT was the problem
The printer is merrily spewing out graphs, now, much to the disgust of the
conservationists in the office!

Thanks again


P.S. What dows "HTH" stand for?

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