VBA Code to Operate on a Specific Selected Cell



I would like to be able to 'toggle' the font color of a selected cell (not
the entire task) between two colors. The cell being selected could be
different for any given time that the code is to run.

I have investigated the use of ActiveCell, which identifies the 'row' in the
schedule, but not the specific cell (i.e. field) that is active.

Question: Is it possible to programmatically determine what specific cell is

Extended Question: When multiple cells are selected, how to cycle through
all selected cells.


RSBrunton said:
I would like to be able to 'toggle' the font color of a selected cell (not
the entire task) between two colors. The cell being selected could be
different for any given time that the code is to run.

I have investigated the use of ActiveCell, which identifies the 'row' in the
schedule, but not the specific cell (i.e. field) that is active.

Question: Is it possible to programmatically determine what specific cell is

Extended Question: When multiple cells are selected, how to cycle through
all selected cells.

Well it's very easy to set the color of any single or group of selected
field cells, but toggling is not quite so simple. That's because the
Project object model does not provide for any means to read the current
font color. However, not to thwarted, you could use the following code:

Sub FontToggle()
Dim t As Task
For Each t In ActiveSelection.Tasks
If t.Flag1 = True Then
Font Color:=pjRed
t.Flag1 = False
Font Color:=pjGreen
t.Flag1 = True
End If
Next t
End Sub

However, I've got to question if it really makes sense to use VBA for
something that is very easy to do manually. After all, the user will
need to select the field cell or group of cells anyway. Setting the font
color is just a menu item away.

Nonetheless, hope this helps.
Project MVP

Mike Glen

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Mike Glen
Project MVP

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