vba code to select sheet without a name




I am quite new to vba and trying to write a code which I can select a
sheet and filter a range on the active sheet. The problem is how can I
make the code to select a sheet which has a name on the tab which
chanages daily.

thank you for your suggestions


Dave Peterson

My preference would be to select the correct sheet first, then run the macro. I
could write the code against the activesheet and not have to worry about
selecting a sheet.

If I were really concerned, the code could ask if it should continue:

Option Explicit
Sub Testme()

dim resp as long
dim wks as worksheet

resp = msgbox(Prompt:="This macro will work against the activesheet." _
& vblf & "Continue?", buttons:=vbyesno)

if resp = vbno then
exit sub
end if

set wks = activesheet

with wks
'lots of code here
end with

end sub

For the most part, my generic macros either work on the selected area or on the
activesheet. I won't usually give the prompt -- especially if it's code that
only I use.

Don Guillett

This gives you the name of the sheet that is 5th in order from left to right
MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(5).Name

Shane Devenshire


If you could give us an idea of how the name changes daily, for example is
this because a new sheet is inserted, because the sheet is renamed, or
because you are moving through a set of pre-existing sheets to a different
one each day?



the sheets change to reflect various customers which we have to filte
out certian data, when I say the name changes daily it could be the sam
customer next Tuesday or Thursday but it is always the same i wa
writing something along the lines of the following but getting lost.

sub sheetwithnoname()

i= 1 to count,


end su

Don Guillett

or application goto sheets(i).select.range("A1:T")
or do it withOUT Selecting

for i= 1 to 4
with sheets(i)
end with
next i


Thanks for the help with the code. I have added this into my macro a
work and it is working as I want it to.


Dim sourceRange As Range
Dim wb1 As Workbook
Dim lastrow As Integer
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim destSheet As Worksheet

' to open the workbook

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Set wb1 = Workbooks.Open("J:\projects\test.xls")
Set sourceRange = wb1.Sheets("test1").Columns("B")

For Each ws In Worksheets
Count = wb1.Sheets.Count
For i = 1 To Count
With Sheets(i)
lastrow = Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
Sheets(i).Range("A1:AU" & lastrow).Select
Sheets(i).Range("A1:AU" & lastrow) = Sheets(i).Range("A1:AI"

End With

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