VBA Combo Box for Excel


Tom W

I have preference for Access based application, However, My boss wants me to
improve our monster pricing spreadsheet ONLY in Excel. My problem is I need
to create database tables in separate worksheets and pick up the Items/Values
needed on 1st spreadsheet. I cannot do what I need in perely excel, so I need
to create a combox in VBA. Now - my big problem is that my combo box is fine
but I cannot get the results to be placed in the cell that had focus when VBA
Form was executed. Am I taking the long way? Is there something already
written do do this. I want to see multiple columns (non-contigious) in combo
box when making selection.

Harald Staff

Hi Tom

in the userform code:
ActiveCell.Value = Me.ComboBox1.Text
with ot without adjustments.

Try to get away with data and normalization in an Access file, and pure
Excel / Userform userinterfaces. Excel does miracles, but is close to
useless when it comes to relational data and multiuser environments.

Best wishes Harald

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