VBA Compatibility Problems



I have developed an Excel userform in VBA that functions well on my computer.
However, when I e-mail the userform to other people, errors occur when they
try and access the userform. They can still use the template, but an 'errors
occured during load' occurs every time they switch from one page to the next.
This error does not occur on my computer. I suspect that this may be due to
one of
the following:

1. Some type of security problem with the macros (the Security Level is set
to Medium)
2. Active X issues.

Any ideas how to resolve this problem?

Thanks for the help!


Harald Staff


Do you have ActiveX components on the userform that isn't standard, like
progressbar, treeview, ... ? If so, don't. Your users might need a license
to run them in design time, usually meaning having Visual Studio or a
Developer version of Office installed.

"Don't" is probably not your meaning of resolving a problem, sorry :)

HTH. Best wishes Harald

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