VBA Converters Excel 2000 to Excel 2007




I have a lot of code samples written for Excel 2000. When I try to
load them into Excel 2007 I get this message:

"This workbook has lost its VBA project, ActiveX controls and any
other programmability-related features"

It then directs me to search for "VBA converters" on the Microsoft
Office site. When I go there, I can't find what I am looking for.
Either it does not exist or I can't read. Any help for converting
these useful samples to something that Excel 2007 can use?

Old Dog

Jon Peltier

There are no converters that I've heard of to convert VBA to Excel 2007 VBA.
Excel 2007 VBA is the same as prior Excel versions, except for additions to
the object model and for slight (but frustrating) differences in what works.

- Jon


This sounds more like a problem with Excel 2007 trying to read the 2000 files
than of 2007 not being able to deal with the code. While most of my stuff
that's non-2007 is in 2003 files, I haven't experienced anything similar with
opening older files. As a matter of fact, many, if not most, of my 2003
files get saved out as 97-2003 format and 2007 hasn't had any trouble opening
them or using the code in them except for some charting/graphing stuff.

If you've still got 2000 installed somewhere, you might try opening a couple
of those troublesome files and saving them out in the 97-2000 format and
seeing if 2007 doesn't deal with them better.

You might also try running the Excel 2007 diagnostics to see if some repair
of the installation may be needed: Excel's Office Button - Excel Options -
Resources and there is a "run Microsoft Office Diagnostics" option there.


jon, i have a excel 2007 spreadsheet with a VBN which auto logs into 9
different web sites and puts in my user name and password, and than retreives
a bunch of data for each and formats it and dumps it into an excel
spreadsheet. it worked fine with excel 2003 for many years. i installed
excel 2007 and now when i run the macro it pulls up the 1st web address and
just sit at the login screen and will not put in the user name or password.
a send IE window also opens up behind it but it's always blank. is this a
VBN or excel 2007 problem

Jon Peltier

Sorry, I don't know what VBN is, and I haven't tried Excel 2007 in the
context of web site data acquisition, so I cannot answer your question.

- Jon


Like yourself, I'm not familiar with VBN - when I first read the post I
thought he may have made a typo and meant VPN (Virtual Private Network) - but
that may not be the case. And I haven't a clue as to why Excel would have
anything to do with the functioning of a VPN anyhow.

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