Earl Brown
Hi, I have noticed that my PC's resources are being used
up by making multiple Queries using DAO 3.6 within the
worksheet. It keeps getting larger till teh PC can't
handle anhymore. I've tried closeing the RS and the DB
and also setting the RS and DB to NOTHING, but it does
not release the resources assigned to Excel. Shutting
down Excel also does not appear to correct it when it is
restarted. Only shutting down the PC seems to correct it.
Sample Code Below...
With Worksheets(15)
mMonth = InputBox("Please enter the MONTH of the
Report.", "Northern Trip Monthly Report", Format(Month
(Now) - 1, "#0"))
If Val(mMonth) <= 0 Or Val(mYear) > 12 Then Exit Sub
mYear = InputBox("Please enter the YEAR of the
Report.", "Northern Trip Monthly Report", Format(Year
(Now), "#0"))
If mYear < 1 Or mYear > 2020 Then Exit Sub
If .Range(.Cells(6, 5).Address).Value = "" Then .Range
(.Cells(6, 5).Address).Value = "1901-01-01"
If .Range(.Cells(6, 6).Address).Value = "" Then .Range
(.Cells(6, 6).Address).Value = "1901-01-01"
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim rs2 As Recordset
Set db = OpenDatabase(Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
& "\" & Application.ActiveWorkbook.Name, False,
False, "Excel 5.0;")
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Select * from NTDatabase
WHERE RDate >=datevalue('" & Format(DateSerial(mYear,
mMonth, 1), "mmm-yyyy") & "') AND RDate < datevalue('" &
Format(DateSerial(mYear, mMonth + 1, 1), "mmm-yyyy")
& "')")
End With
mrow = 5
With Worksheets(Val(mMonth))
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 1), .Cells(200, 12)).Clear
.Range(.Cells(2, 1).Address).Value = "For the Month
of " & Format(DateSerial(mYear, mMonth, 1), "mmmm") & " "
& Format(DateSerial(mYear, mMonth, 1), "yyyy")
If rs.EOF = False Then
'MsgBox rs.Fields(1).Name & rs.Fields(2).Name
'MsgBox " Report Date " & rs.Fields!Rdate
While rs.EOF = False
If mrow <> 5 Then
If rs.Fields!enumber <> .Cells(mrow - 1, 5)
And .Cells(mrow - 1, 5) <> "" Then
' ********** SUB Totals **************
.Cells(mrow, 8) = "Total:"
.Cells(mrow, 9) = Format
(costGST, "$###,##0.00")
.Cells(mrow, 10) = Format(costGST * (1 *
1 / 1.07), "$###,##0.00")
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 8), .Cells(mrow,
11)).Font.Bold = True
costGST = 0
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 8), .Cells(mrow,
11)).Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlSingle
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 8), .Cells(mrow,
11)).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlDouble
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 1), .Cells(mrow,
12)).Interior.Color = 12632256
mrow = mrow + 1
End If
End If
On Error Resume Next
.Cells(mrow, 1) = rs.Fields!lName
.Cells(mrow, 2) = rs.Fields!tName
If UCase(Left(rs.Fields!payType, 1)) = "H"
.Cells(mrow, 3) = "XX"
If UCase(Left(rs.Fields!payType, 1))
= "B" Then .Cells(mrow, 4) = "XX"
End If
.Cells(mrow, 5) = rs.Fields!enumber
.Cells(mrow, 6) = rs.Fields!CC
If IsNull(rs.Fields!TSDate) = False Then
.Cells(mrow, 7) = Format(DateValue
(rs.Fields!TSDate), "yyyy/mm/dd")
'.Cells(mrow, 7) = rs.Fields!TSDate
End If
If IsNull(rs.Fields!TEDate) = False Then
.Cells(mrow, 8) = Format(rs.Fields!
TEDate, "yyyy/mm/dd")
'.Cells(mRow, 8) = rs.Fields!TEDate
End If
.Cells(mrow, 9) = Format(rs.Fields!
cost, "$###,##0.00")
.Cells(mrow, 10) = Format(rs.Fields!cost *
(1 / 1.07), "$###,##0.00")
.Cells(mrow, 11) = rs.Fields!Trip & " of " &
.Cells(mrow, 12) = rs.Fields!Remarks
costGST = costGST + rs.Fields!cost
mrow = mrow + 1
TotalCost = TotalCost + rs.Fields!cost
' ********** SUB Totals for last set of employee
Records **************
'mRow = mRow + 1
.Cells(mrow, 8) = "Total:"
.Cells(mrow, 9) = Format
(costGST, "$###,##0.00")
.Cells(mrow, 10) = Format(costGST * (1 *
1 / 1.07), "$###,##0.00")
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 8), .Cells(mrow,
11)).Font.Bold = True
costGST = 0
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 8), .Cells(mrow,
11)).Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlSingle
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 8), .Cells(mrow,
11)).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlDouble
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 1), .Cells(mrow,
12)).Interior.Color = 12632256
' ***** Grand Totals ************
mrow = mrow + 1
.Cells(mrow, 7) = "Monthly Total:"
.Cells(mrow, 9) = Format(TotalCost, "$###,##0.00")
.Cells(mrow, 10) = Format(TotalCost * (1 * 1 /
1.07), "$###,##0.00")
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 7), .Cells(mrow, 11)).Font.Bold =
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 1), .Cells(mrow, 12)).Borders
(xlEdgeTop).Weight = XlBorderWeight.xlThick
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 1), .Cells(mrow, 12)).Borders
(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlContinuous
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 1), .Cells(mrow, 12)).Borders
(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlContinuous
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 1), .Cells(mrow, 12)).Borders
(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = XlBorderWeight.xlThick
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 1), .Cells(mrow, 12)).Borders
(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlDouble
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 1), .Cells(mrow,
12)).Interior.Color = RGB(200, 200, 255)
MsgBox "Finished the Report !!", vbOKOnly +
MsgBox "There are no records for " & Format(DateSerial
(mYear, mMonth, 1), "mmm-yyyy") & " in the DataBase. If
this seems incorrect, then update the main Database
before updating the report.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
End If
End With
Earl Brown
Gillam MB, Canada
up by making multiple Queries using DAO 3.6 within the
worksheet. It keeps getting larger till teh PC can't
handle anhymore. I've tried closeing the RS and the DB
and also setting the RS and DB to NOTHING, but it does
not release the resources assigned to Excel. Shutting
down Excel also does not appear to correct it when it is
restarted. Only shutting down the PC seems to correct it.
Sample Code Below...
With Worksheets(15)
mMonth = InputBox("Please enter the MONTH of the
Report.", "Northern Trip Monthly Report", Format(Month
(Now) - 1, "#0"))
If Val(mMonth) <= 0 Or Val(mYear) > 12 Then Exit Sub
mYear = InputBox("Please enter the YEAR of the
Report.", "Northern Trip Monthly Report", Format(Year
(Now), "#0"))
If mYear < 1 Or mYear > 2020 Then Exit Sub
If .Range(.Cells(6, 5).Address).Value = "" Then .Range
(.Cells(6, 5).Address).Value = "1901-01-01"
If .Range(.Cells(6, 6).Address).Value = "" Then .Range
(.Cells(6, 6).Address).Value = "1901-01-01"
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim rs2 As Recordset
Set db = OpenDatabase(Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
& "\" & Application.ActiveWorkbook.Name, False,
False, "Excel 5.0;")
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Select * from NTDatabase
WHERE RDate >=datevalue('" & Format(DateSerial(mYear,
mMonth, 1), "mmm-yyyy") & "') AND RDate < datevalue('" &
Format(DateSerial(mYear, mMonth + 1, 1), "mmm-yyyy")
& "')")
End With
mrow = 5
With Worksheets(Val(mMonth))
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 1), .Cells(200, 12)).Clear
.Range(.Cells(2, 1).Address).Value = "For the Month
of " & Format(DateSerial(mYear, mMonth, 1), "mmmm") & " "
& Format(DateSerial(mYear, mMonth, 1), "yyyy")
If rs.EOF = False Then
'MsgBox rs.Fields(1).Name & rs.Fields(2).Name
'MsgBox " Report Date " & rs.Fields!Rdate
While rs.EOF = False
If mrow <> 5 Then
If rs.Fields!enumber <> .Cells(mrow - 1, 5)
And .Cells(mrow - 1, 5) <> "" Then
' ********** SUB Totals **************
.Cells(mrow, 8) = "Total:"
.Cells(mrow, 9) = Format
(costGST, "$###,##0.00")
.Cells(mrow, 10) = Format(costGST * (1 *
1 / 1.07), "$###,##0.00")
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 8), .Cells(mrow,
11)).Font.Bold = True
costGST = 0
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 8), .Cells(mrow,
11)).Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlSingle
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 8), .Cells(mrow,
11)).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlDouble
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 1), .Cells(mrow,
12)).Interior.Color = 12632256
mrow = mrow + 1
End If
End If
On Error Resume Next
.Cells(mrow, 1) = rs.Fields!lName
.Cells(mrow, 2) = rs.Fields!tName
If UCase(Left(rs.Fields!payType, 1)) = "H"
.Cells(mrow, 3) = "XX"
If UCase(Left(rs.Fields!payType, 1))
= "B" Then .Cells(mrow, 4) = "XX"
End If
.Cells(mrow, 5) = rs.Fields!enumber
.Cells(mrow, 6) = rs.Fields!CC
If IsNull(rs.Fields!TSDate) = False Then
.Cells(mrow, 7) = Format(DateValue
(rs.Fields!TSDate), "yyyy/mm/dd")
'.Cells(mrow, 7) = rs.Fields!TSDate
End If
If IsNull(rs.Fields!TEDate) = False Then
.Cells(mrow, 8) = Format(rs.Fields!
TEDate, "yyyy/mm/dd")
'.Cells(mRow, 8) = rs.Fields!TEDate
End If
.Cells(mrow, 9) = Format(rs.Fields!
cost, "$###,##0.00")
.Cells(mrow, 10) = Format(rs.Fields!cost *
(1 / 1.07), "$###,##0.00")
.Cells(mrow, 11) = rs.Fields!Trip & " of " &
.Cells(mrow, 12) = rs.Fields!Remarks
costGST = costGST + rs.Fields!cost
mrow = mrow + 1
TotalCost = TotalCost + rs.Fields!cost
' ********** SUB Totals for last set of employee
Records **************
'mRow = mRow + 1
.Cells(mrow, 8) = "Total:"
.Cells(mrow, 9) = Format
(costGST, "$###,##0.00")
.Cells(mrow, 10) = Format(costGST * (1 *
1 / 1.07), "$###,##0.00")
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 8), .Cells(mrow,
11)).Font.Bold = True
costGST = 0
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 8), .Cells(mrow,
11)).Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlSingle
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 8), .Cells(mrow,
11)).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlDouble
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 1), .Cells(mrow,
12)).Interior.Color = 12632256
' ***** Grand Totals ************
mrow = mrow + 1
.Cells(mrow, 7) = "Monthly Total:"
.Cells(mrow, 9) = Format(TotalCost, "$###,##0.00")
.Cells(mrow, 10) = Format(TotalCost * (1 * 1 /
1.07), "$###,##0.00")
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 7), .Cells(mrow, 11)).Font.Bold =
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 1), .Cells(mrow, 12)).Borders
(xlEdgeTop).Weight = XlBorderWeight.xlThick
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 1), .Cells(mrow, 12)).Borders
(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlContinuous
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 1), .Cells(mrow, 12)).Borders
(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlContinuous
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 1), .Cells(mrow, 12)).Borders
(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = XlBorderWeight.xlThick
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 1), .Cells(mrow, 12)).Borders
(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlDouble
.Range(.Cells(mrow, 1), .Cells(mrow,
12)).Interior.Color = RGB(200, 200, 255)
MsgBox "Finished the Report !!", vbOKOnly +
MsgBox "There are no records for " & Format(DateSerial
(mYear, mMonth, 1), "mmm-yyyy") & " in the DataBase. If
this seems incorrect, then update the main Database
before updating the report.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
End If
End With
Earl Brown
Gillam MB, Canada