VBA Editor acting goofy

  • Thread starter AkAlan via AccessMonster.com
  • Start date

AkAlan via AccessMonster.com

I have been having problems while editing VBA code lately. for instance I'll
type in me. and the drop down list will appear for only two or three seconds
then disappear leaving me with red text and when I try to finish typing the
cursor will jump around and screw up what I'm trying to type. This problem
only happens after I have been in the database for a while and I have to
completely reboot to get it to stop. I tried a repair of Office, no help. I
don't want to have to spend half a morining re installing Office if there is
something else I can do. Anyone else ever see this behavior and find a

Brendan Reynolds

This is usually caused by editing code while a form is open that has code
running in its Timer event procedure.

It's generally safer not to have forms open (except in design view) when
editing code.

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