VBA Editor keeps opening after screen saver?



Ever since I got switched from Win/Office 2000 to Win/Office XP, I've had
strange things with my VBA Editor (Alt+F11). XP won't let me create a
digital signature for my macros in Normal.dot or add-ins, so if I want a
macro I have to go through the security notification. If I open the VBA
Editor and close it, it will always open back up on top when I log in after
the screen saver. Any ideas?


Word Heretic

G'day "Ed" <[email protected]>,

If you go to your desktop and press F1, you can look up security
certificates topics that will show you the new ways.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
Want a hyperlinked index? S/W R&D? See WordHeretic.com

steve from wordheretic.com (Email replies require payment)

Ed reckoned:

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