VBA error Not calculating If then statement



See VBA below. I cannot figure out how to get this to work so that the after
entering in the Name, hours and pay rate for it to calculate the pay and
insert in my worksheet.

Private Sub CommandButtonOk_Click()
If TextBoxEmployeeName.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a name."
Exit Sub
End If
NextBlankRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("ColA")) + 1
'MsgBox (NextBlankRow)
Cells(NextBlankRow, 1) = TextBoxEmployeeName.Text
Cells(NextBlankRow, 2) = TextBoxHours.Value
Cells(NextBlankRow, 3) = TextBoxPayRate.Value

If (Hours > 40) Then
OverTime = Hours - 40
Pay = 40 * PayRate + OverTime * PayRate * 1.5
Pay = 40 * PayRate
End If

TextBoxEmployeeName.Text = ""
TextBoxHours.Value = ""
TextBoxPayRate.Value = ""


End Sub

Tom Ogilvy

You haven't included any command that would do that. You also haven't
assigned any values to your variables.

Private Sub CommandButtonOk_Click()
Dim pay as Double, OverTime as Double
Dim PayRate as Double, Hours as Double
If TextBoxEmployeeName.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a name."
Exit Sub
End If
NextBlankRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("ColA")) + 1
'MsgBox (NextBlankRow)
Cells(NextBlankRow, 1) = TextBoxEmployeeName.Text
Cells(NextBlankRow, 2) = TextBoxHours.Value
Cells(NextBlankRow, 3) = TextBoxPayRate.Value

PayRate = Cells(NextBlankRow,3).Value
Hours = Cells(NextBlankRow,2).Value

If (Hours > 40) Then
OverTime = Hours - 40
Pay = 40 * PayRate + OverTime * PayRate * 1.5
Pay = 40 * PayRate
End If

Cells(NextBlankRow,4).Value = Pay

TextBoxEmployeeName.Text = ""
TextBoxHours.Value = ""
TextBoxPayRate.Value = ""


End Sub

Greg Wilson

Tom beat me to it. Further to Tom's code, I suggest setting the focus to
TextBoxEmployeeName if no name is selected:
If TextBoxEmployeeName.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a name."
Exit Sub
End If



Thank you for your help. It worked. I'm new at this and new I needed to
assign something somewhere but wasn't sure. Thanks again.

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