VBA - Excel issues


Von Shean

I have a list of questions that i need clarification on. If anyone has
answers to any of these, a reply would be of great help. All the question
are related to VBA.

1. How do i access previous values of a cell when detecting a change?
2. How can i access applications undo history?
3. In Worksheet_change how can i get the list of cells that have changed due
to calculations?
4. In a worksheet, how can i come to know what is the location of the cell
that defines the size of the data matrix?
5. How can i get the user action of insert/detele of rows/columns?


Tom Ogilvy

1. either store the value before it is changed, or you can record the new
value and immediately issue Application.Undo. This would be done in the
Change event

2. Most macro actions clear the undo history, so except for the above
usage, undo is not very workable in macros.

3. Change is fired by a manual or programmatic change to the cell(s) in a
worksheet. Changes caused by calculation are not stored or available unless
you made a copy of all cell values prior to the calculation and compared it
to the current state.

4. Possible msgbox Activecell.currentRegion.Address

5. In xl2000 and earlier, there is no event which fires specifically when a
row or column is inserted or deleted.

David McRitchie

This is what I was working on in another group you posted to
and Tom has better answers for you, so where there is conflicting
answers Tom's are better.

1. not available unless you want to do something yourself with an
Event macro.
2. Nope, you can't undo after running a macro.
3. Every thing can change due to calculations i.e. =NOW()
4. Ctrl+A (selects all cells), Ctrl+G (Edit, GoTo), [Special], Formulas
note the indicators below formulas are also used for constants had
you chosen Constants. You might also take a look at my page
Show FORMULA of another cell in Excel
5. Ctrl+End you might also look at a list of shortcuts
as found in HELP but placed together on one page.
6. Don't know what you mean but again I think you are trying to
record keystrokes.

What do you want an image of your workbook several times
a minute.

The closest thing you get in Excel is "Highlight Changes" which
might be used for brief periods to record what got changed and
who changed it after some breakpoint. It is a pain to work with
but your are welcome to read about what I tried at
Highlight, Change Highlighting
I almost lost everything with that, so you might get better answers
from someone who actually needs it. I think all I would have
had to of done might have been to turn off sharing.

If you want to do some of these things for just yourself, you can
get a fairly decent picture of what you entered by recording a

Your questions are similar to someone who wanted to record every
keystroke that everyone was doing a mainframe, if it were possible
which it wasn't it would mean a few hundred bytes of overhead
for such things as timestamp, machine id, application, accounting
information, userid etc. for each keystroke.

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