G.P.N.L. c.v.a.
I am not very well in VBA.
UDF worked normally in Excel2003.
Taken over to a new computer (export-copy-import) with Excel2007, and when
trying to us it (F9), the VBE is loaded, the "function-declaration becomes
yellow, and I get "Compile error. Can't find poject or library".
What is happening ?
Where is Excel2007 different from Excel2003 ?
UDF worked normally in Excel2003.
Taken over to a new computer (export-copy-import) with Excel2007, and when
trying to us it (F9), the VBE is loaded, the "function-declaration becomes
yellow, and I get "Compile error. Can't find poject or library".
What is happening ?
Where is Excel2007 different from Excel2003 ?