VBA Extensibility virus alerts



Hi Everyone
I've been trying to explore an intriguing article at
The article is for AutoCAD, but appears easily transportable to Word.
At it's heart, it requires an object reference to Microsoft Visual Basic For
Applications Extensibility 5.3, but everytime i try and use it, our
Infrastructure guys start threatening me with basball bats because i'm
setting off virus alerts through McCafee VirusScan!

Has anybody experienced this before, and what is the workaround?
I'm assuming VirusScan must assume that anybody using this reference must be
attempting to write a macro virus.

Any help, most gratefully received.

Howard Kaikow

Not unusual.

I've not looked at your particular example, but Norton Auntie Virus will
sometimes do the same thing, or worse.
Sometimes one can work around such an issue, sometimes not.


Ho hum.
Looks like it must be a McCaffee thing then?
Thanks for trying, but I think I'll leave it alone now - I'm making too many
people jittery!

Howard Kaikow

Might be a good opportunity to teach your support folkes that auntie virus
ain't what it's cracked out to be.

I can write truly innocuous code that makes NAV fly off the handle.