VBA Find Replace - help with change!!!



I discovered VBA Find Replace and would like to alter it to call a specific
datafile and not the default ReplaceTextFiel.Doc file - I need some help -
very new at this and it is a little over my head. I have some code I put
together below but not sure where to put it. Would like to add 2 more option
buttons (which I can do) and put the code behind optionbuttons - I just need
lots of helpful guidance please to modify (at my own peril) - just love the
field replace that is very cool. But for a lot of my work I need the
different datafiles as the replacetxt files. Drowning VBA beginner:-

.. Option Button 3 Ask user for file number input variable: 071234?
.. Option Button 4 Ask user to make changes to existng data file?
.. So call: c:\DATA\071234.doc as the REPLACETXTFILE.doc

How do I incorporate the variables into the current code?



vFileNo = InputBox("Enter file number:", "FILE NUMBER")

If vFileNo = "" Then


Dim myName As String
Dim myPath As String
Dim docName As String

docName = InputBox("Please enter the file number:", "File Number")

myPath = ActiveDocument.Path
If myPath = "" Then
myPath = Options.DefaultFilePath(wdDocumentsPath)
End If

myName = myPath & Application.PathSeparator & "\DATA\" & docName

ActiveDocument.SaveAs myName

[[Use: c:\data\071234.doc ]]]

Replacement TEXT = myName.doc

End Sub

What is best way to achieve this and where do I put the code and how do I
code it:

Stuck as only I know how - many tks for any help guys....



Hi Rose,
Doug Robbins answered a similar question in this message thread:
I discovered VBA Find Replace and would like to alter it to call a specific
datafile and not the default ReplaceTextFiel.Doc file - I need some help -
very new at this and it is a little over my head. I have some code I put
together below but not sure where to put it. Would like to add 2 more option
buttons (which I can do) and put the code behind optionbuttons - I just need
lots of helpful guidance please to modify (at my own peril) - just love the
field replace that is very cool. But for a lot of my work I need the
different datafiles as the replacetxt files. Drowning VBA beginner:-

. Option Button 3 Ask user for file number input variable: 071234?

. Option Button 4 Ask user to make changes to existng data file?

. So call: c:\DATA\071234.doc as the REPLACETXTFILE.doc

How do I incorporate the variables into the current code?



vFileNo = InputBox("Enter file number:", "FILE NUMBER")

If vFileNo = "" Then


Dim myName As String
Dim myPath As String
Dim docName As String

docName = InputBox("Please enter the file number:", "File Number")

myPath = ActiveDocument.Path
If myPath = "" Then
myPath = Options.DefaultFilePath(wdDocumentsPath)
End If

myName = myPath & Application.PathSeparator & "\DATA\" & docName

ActiveDocument.SaveAs myName

[[Use: c:\data\071234.doc ]]]

Replacement TEXT = myName.doc

End Sub

What is best way to achieve this and where do I put the code and how do I
code it:

Stuck as only I know how - many tks for any help guys....


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