vba fucntion that valid isbn




Is there any1 who have written function that check if ISBN is valid or not??

Thank you

Jay Freedman


Is there any1 who have written function that check if ISBN is valid or not??

Thank you

Based on the algorithm at
this should work:

Private Function IsValidISBN(ByVal strNumber As String) As Boolean
Dim idx As Long
Dim sum As Long
Dim checkdigit As String
Dim result As Boolean
result = False ' default

'remove any hyphens
strNumber = Replace(strNumber, "-", "")

'test length
If Len(strNumber) <> 10 Then GoTo Bye

'generate sum of products
sum = 0
For idx = 1 To 9
sum = sum + Val(Mid(strNumber, idx, 1)) * (11 - idx)

'add check digit
checkdigit = Right(strNumber, 1)
If UCase(checkdigit) = "X" Then
sum = sum + 10
sum = sum + Val(checkdigit)
End If

'if the sum is evenly divisible by 11
'then it is valid
result = ((sum Mod 11) = 0)

IsValidISBN = result
End Function

This subroutine shows how you could call the function:

Sub test()
Dim reply As String

reply = InputBox("Enter ISBN to check:")
If Trim(reply) = "" Then Exit Sub

If IsValidISBN(reply) Then
MsgBox reply & " is valid"
MsgBox reply & " is not valid"
End If
End Sub

Note that this won't work for the 13-digit EAN or "Bookland" codes
that are becoming more common -- see section 7.5 at
http://www.isbn-international.org/en/userman/chapter7.html for the

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
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