VBA help


ST Jude

I think this requires VBA. Working Office Excel 2003 on XP. I have two
separate folders; "A" and "B". "A" contains many worksheets, all formatted
the same but with different data (R Squared, Slope, y-Intercept) and
different names (basically a numbercrunching worksheet saved accoring to test
and date performed, i.e. "AML11-28-07", "AML11-29-07" ). Folder "B" contains
a worksheet where the data from each worksheet in "A" is crunched further to
generate Trend logs. 15 "Run's" (each worksheet in "A" is a "Run")at-a-time
are logged into the worksheet in "B." This worksheet calculates the Mean,
Standard Deviation, and %CV for the "Runs" over time.

What I'm trying to do is have the Worksheet in Folder "B" search folder "A"
for new "Runs", take the data I want from particular cells in those "Run's"
in folder "A" and crunch it in groups of 15. PLEASE feel free to contact me
for examples or worksheets.

Jim Thomlinson

What you are asking for is more of a project than a question. While it can be
done it will require a very substantial effort from someone well versed in
VBA. If you want to tackle it yourself then break the process down into
individual steps and we can comment on that for you. We can even help you
with specific questions about the individual steps. Otherwise I would
recommend getting in touch with someone you can contract this out to. We can
get you a list of names if you want...


You're not very specific about what you want, so here's a generic
example - hopefully it gets you started. I haven't spent much time
debugging it, just making sure that it works. It literally does no
error checking as far as file names - assumes that all Excel files in
folder "A" begin with a 3-letter project code, followed immediately by
an Excel-valid date text. Best of luck.

' ***** Begin Description *****

On my C:\ drive, I created a folder called "crunch". In it, I created
two subdirectories called "A" and "B".

In "A", you have your worksheets with trial data. Each workbook has a
sheet called "DataSheet" and contains the numbers for the trial
in range A1:A10.

In "B", you have the workbook called summary.xls. It has a worksheet
called "SummarySheet". On this worksheet, column A contains project
names, and row 1 contains date headers of the trials.

The procedure below does the following:
1. Asks user to enter starting date
2. Makes a list of all files in folder "A" whose last-modified date is
on or after starting date, and matches the *.xl* pattern
3. Goes through this list, and opens each file.
4. Determines the project name (first 3 letters of the file name) and
project date (letter 4 up until the .xls) from file name
5. Looks for the project name in SummarySheet first column
6. If project name does not exist, it adds it at the bottom
7. Looks for the project date in SummarySheet first row
8. If project date does not exist, it adds it to the right
9. Calculates average for each project's data (A1:A10)
10. Closes all workbooks - not saving anything in folder "A", but
saving summary.xls

' ***** Begin Code *****

Option Explicit

Public Sub GetFileNames()
Const currDir = "C:\Crunch\"

Dim fileName As String
Dim fileCount As Long

' used in current workbook
Dim wshFileList As Excel.Worksheet
Dim rngFileList As Excel.Range
Dim rngMyFile As Excel.Range

' used to summarize data
Dim wkbSummary As Excel.Workbook
Dim wshSummary As Excel.Worksheet
Dim wkbSource As Excel.Workbook

Dim rngSourceProj As Excel.Range
Dim rngSourceDate As Excel.Range
' used to find correct summary cell to populate
Dim strProjName As String
Dim dtProjDate As Date

Dim dtFromDate As Date

' track row, column
Dim i As Long, j As Long

On Error Resume Next
dtFromDate = Application.InputBox( _
"Enter starting date: ", , , , , , , 1)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Exit Sub
On Error GoTo 0

Set wshFileList = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add

With wshFileList
' .Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
On Error Resume Next
.Name = "File List"
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
wshFileList.Parent.Worksheets( _
"File List").Delete()
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
.Name = "File List"
End If

fileName = Dir(currDir & "A\*.xl*", vbDirectory)

Do While Len(fileName) <> 0
If (FileDateTime(currDir & "A\" & _
fileName) >= dtFromDate) Then
.Cells(WorksheetFunction.CountA( _
.Range("A:A")) + 1, 1).Value = fileName
fileCount = fileCount + 1
End If
fileName = Dir()

If fileCount < 1 Then
Call MsgBox("No files found matching criteria")
Exit Sub
End If

rngFileList = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), _
.Cells(fileCount, 1))
End With

Set wkbSummary = _
Application.Workbooks.Open( _
currDir & "B\summary.xls")

Set wshSummary = wkbSummary.Sheets("SummarySheet")
With wshSummary
For Each rngMyFile In rngFileList

Set wkbSource = _
Application.Workbooks.Open( _
currDir & "A\" & rngMyFile.Value)

strProjName = Left$(rngMyFile.Value, 3)
dtProjDate = CDate(Left$(Right$( _
rngMyFile.Value, Len(rngMyFile.Value) - 3), _
InStr(1, rngMyFile.Value, ".") - 1 - 3))

Set rngSourceProj = .Range("$A:$A").Find(strProjName)
If rngSourceProj Is Nothing Then
rngSourceProj = .Cells( _
.UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1, 1)
rngSourceProj.Value = strProjName
End If
Set rngSourceProj = rngSourceProj.EntireRow

Set rngSourceDate = _

If rngSourceDate Is Nothing Then
rngSourceDate = .Cells( _
1, .UsedRange.Columns.Count + 1)
rngSourceDate.Value = dtProjDate
End If
Set rngSourceDate = rngSourceDate.EntireColumn

i = Intersect(rngSourceProj, rngSourceDate).Row
j = Intersect(rngSourceProj, rngSourceDate).Column

.Cells(i, j) = _
Application.WorksheetFunction.Average( _
wkbSource.Close (False)
Next rngMyFile
wkbSummary.Close (True)
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End With
End Sub

' ***** End Code *****

Tim Williams

I might be able to help out some.
You can contact me offline at tim j williams at gmail dot com


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