Alexandre Saillant
I am trying to find a VBA routine that will launch an Access program
from a VBA macro in reflexion 10.0
I tryed the direction from WRQ VBA manual (available in there site -
http://support.wrq.com/assets/vbug.pdf) but its does not work 100%. I
can do "createobject" for an word application but for some reason I
cannot do it for excel or access. Worst, I cannot Getobject anything.
Even when I just copy and paste one of there damn example.
This is what I am trying to do:
I open a macro in reflexion. It's a continious loop. It download
some data and save it to 3 text files. Then, I need to load access
and I have another macro that crunch the numbers so they become
readable. (note, reflexion needs to wait for access to stop before it
resume it's downloading).
This is what WRQ says I should do:
Dim AccObject as access.application
set AccObject = getobject("c:\db1.mdb")
accObject.visible = true
Looks so simple but simply does not work!
Help Please!
Alexandre Saillant
I am trying to find a VBA routine that will launch an Access program
from a VBA macro in reflexion 10.0
I tryed the direction from WRQ VBA manual (available in there site -
http://support.wrq.com/assets/vbug.pdf) but its does not work 100%. I
can do "createobject" for an word application but for some reason I
cannot do it for excel or access. Worst, I cannot Getobject anything.
Even when I just copy and paste one of there damn example.
This is what I am trying to do:
I open a macro in reflexion. It's a continious loop. It download
some data and save it to 3 text files. Then, I need to load access
and I have another macro that crunch the numbers so they become
readable. (note, reflexion needs to wait for access to stop before it
resume it's downloading).
This is what WRQ says I should do:
Dim AccObject as access.application
set AccObject = getobject("c:\db1.mdb")
accObject.visible = true
Looks so simple but simply does not work!
Help Please!
Alexandre Saillant