VBA in Reflexion (WRQ)


Alexandre Saillant


I am trying to find a VBA routine that will launch an Access program
from a VBA macro in reflexion 10.0

I tryed the direction from WRQ VBA manual (available in there site -
http://support.wrq.com/assets/vbug.pdf) but its does not work 100%. I
can do "createobject" for an word application but for some reason I
cannot do it for excel or access. Worst, I cannot Getobject anything.
Even when I just copy and paste one of there damn example.

This is what I am trying to do:

I open a macro in reflexion. It's a continious loop. It download
some data and save it to 3 text files. Then, I need to load access
and I have another macro that crunch the numbers so they become
readable. (note, reflexion needs to wait for access to stop before it
resume it's downloading).

This is what WRQ says I should do:

Dim AccObject as access.application
set AccObject = getobject("c:\db1.mdb")
accObject.visible = true

Looks so simple but simply does not work!

Help Please!

Alexandre Saillant

Jonathan West

Hi Alexandre,

you ahve to decide whether you are using early binding or late binding. Your
code is currently a mixture.

If you are using early binding, then your code won't work iunless you go to
Tools References in the VBA editor and set a reference to the Access 10.0
object library.

If you are using late binding, your should Dim AccessObject As Object, not
as Access.Application.

I suggest you do a search of the msdn.microsoft.com website for the terms
"Early Binding" and "Late Binding" in order to get more information on this

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