I have data as follows on EXCEL:
ColA ColB
MARC 123
marc1234 234
marc1235 555/0
I have a SQL table with the same structure. I want to insert the range.
I tried:
Dim cName1, cName2 As Variant
cName1 = Range("A")
cName2 = Range("B")
sq = "Insert into marc_temp_excel (ColA, ColB) values (cName1, cName2)"
Set r = c.Execute(sq)
MsgBox ("marc_temp_excel Table Successfully Updated.")
End Sub
ColA ColB
MARC 123
marc1234 234
marc1235 555/0
I have a SQL table with the same structure. I want to insert the range.
I tried:
Dim cName1, cName2 As Variant
cName1 = Range("A")
cName2 = Range("B")
sq = "Insert into marc_temp_excel (ColA, ColB) values (cName1, cName2)"
Set r = c.Execute(sq)
MsgBox ("marc_temp_excel Table Successfully Updated.")
End Sub