VBA IRR and errors



I'm using IRR in a function, but sometimes IRR can't find a solution. I
want to provide IRR a guess that, if IRR still doesn't find a solution,
the guess will change and be provided to IRR again until IRR finds a
solution or this is repeated a certain number of times.

I think my error trapping isn't working properly, but I'm not really
sure what's going on. It only loops once and I then get #Value! in the
cell using my function.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Below is my program in its entirety.


Function getIRR(BegVal As Double, CashFlows As Range, EndVal As Double, Optional Guess As Double = 0) As Double

Dim AllFlows() As Double 'holds all flows in a single array (negative BegVal, negative CashFlows, and positive EndVal)
Dim x As Integer 'increment counter
Dim Periods As Integer 'number of periods used
Dim i As Integer 'increment counter

'Get the number of periods used
Periods = CashFlows.Cells.Count

'Enter all values into a single array
On Error GoTo errorFlows:
ReDim AllFlows(Periods + 1)
AllFlows(1) = -1 * (BegVal + CashFlows.Cells(1))
For x = 2 To Periods
AllFlows(x) = -1 * CashFlows.Cells(x)
Next x
AllFlows(Periods + 1) = EndVal

TryAgain: 'Return here problem with getIRR

'Find the IRR (DWR)
On Error GoTo errorIRR
getIRR = (1 + IRR(AllFlows(), Guess)) ^ Periods - 1
GoTo endd:

'For when there is a problem getting the Flows
getIRR = -0.8888

'For when there is a problem calculating getIRR
i = i + 1
If i > 20 Then
getIRR = -0.9999
GoTo endd:
Guess = -1.1 + i * 0.1
GoTo TryAgain
End If
End Function

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