VBA keywords vocabulary



Not getting manuals with software really sucks. I need help locating a
listing of VBA keywords with descriptions. I have been unsuccessful
searching the Internet and the Microsoft website. Many thanks for any
help you can provide.

Bob Phillips

You can use VBA Help, and the Object Browser. Together they should get you



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


You can use VBA Help, and the Object Browser. Together they should get you



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

- Show quoted text -

Thanks Bob, but I was looking for something I could print out as a
vocabulary reference. Help doesn't help since you can only print one
topic at a time. I found what I was seeking at http://www.techonthenet.com/..
Using the printout of commands, I can use help to learn how to use a
particular command.
Appreciate the help you provide users...
Don (in Montana).

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

Thanks Bob, but I was looking for something I could print out as a
vocabulary reference. Help doesn't help since you can only print one
topic at a time. I found what I was seeking at

That list appears not to be complete. Just taking a quick (not exhaustive)
look, I note it is missing the Format and StrReverse functions; so, be
alert, there may be other functions not listed as well.


Douglas Klimesh

Don, I recently posted the same question as you and received no
appropriate answer. You may have to find your information on dead
trees. Here is a link listing recent posting here about good XL VBA

Rick is correct that techonthenet.com is not a complete reference site.
Instead, it's one of many sites with good info and code examples for
XL VBA. Thus, if you are curious about a keyword (or what you want to
accomplish) google "VBA" and your keyword.

If you are strapped for cash find a used Excel VBA book on Amazon or
somewhere. A VBA reference book on Excel 2000, 2002(XP), 2003 should
work well enough for you for most things even if you use 2007. I found
good books at my local library to get me started.

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