VBA Macro Issues after 2000 to 2003 upgrade


Susan G.

A few years ago I wrote templates for Microsoft Word and Excel containing vba
code. The macros are used to search through designated word files, suck out
particular bits of information, export that info to excel, and create
cross-reference tables in Excel with that info. We use these templates a lot
in my group.
A few weeks ago I got a new laptop with Windows XP (instead of 2000) and
Office 2003 (instead of 2000). I just tried using these macros for the first
time since the upgrade, and I'm running into a lot of problems:
1) The Word macro that exports data to Excel runs EXTREMELY slowly -- it
takes 5 minutes where it used to take 30 seconds. And that's if I save the
file locally; over the network, I give up before I see anything happening.
2) Some of the indentation formatting is not correct after the Word macro is
3) Workbooks made from the Excel template have code to create a menu with
buttons to run the macros. These menus never appear.
4) If I run the macros in Excel, I get an error at the following line,
probably because the menu isn't there:
If CommandBars(sortReqToolBarName).Visible = True Then

Any advice is appreciated. I'm not even sure if this is the correct
forum, so advice on where to go for help is also appreciated. I also
posted in the Excel programming forum.

Thanks very much,


New version of office and a new laptop; always expect teething problems.

A couple of things to check. First the printer driver. Look on the
manufacturers web site for the latest update.

Second, are the swap files of the new laptop the same as the old machine?

Check these out and let us know how you get on.

Hope this helps,

Susan G.

Hi Brian,
A couple of things to check. First the printer driver. Look on the
manufacturers web site for the latest update.

Why would that affect the macros? I have not printed anything yet.
Second, are the swap files of the new laptop the same as the old machine?
I'm sorry for my ignorance, but what are swap files?


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Maybe if you showed us the code in the macros, we could try and replicate
the problem and perhaps find a solution.

I have had no problems with the use of anything that I have created as far
back as Word 97 and subsequently in later versions when I have upgraded to
latest versions, except for the way in which Word 2007 doesn't display
custom toolbars the way that earlier versions did, though the functionality
of buttons that were on the toolbars and now appear in the Addins tab of the
ribbon still perform the way that they used to.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Maybe, before, you were using a local copy of the templates, whereas now you
are trying to use a template that is not stored on your machine? There are
many pitfalls to not running off locally stored templates. I can repost
those issues, if you need me to do so. If they are stored locally is Word on
your new machine looking down the right paths to find them? Use menu
Tools/Options....File Locations. And are the newest versions of your
templates stored there?

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