It is not necessary to unprotect the form, which is as well because your
code does not unprotect the document (but it does appear to make the form
unstable). That aside, assuming the paths for the document and the template
for the new document exist, the code does indeed work in Word 2003. However,
I think you may do better with:
Dim PatFullName() As String
Dim ProvPath As String
Dim DateofSVc As String
Dim PatFirstName As String
Dim PatLastName As String
Dim ProgNotePathAndFileName As String
Dim FileSavedAs As String
' Load name from form into work area
PatFullName = Split(ActiveDocument.FormFields("PatName").Result,
' Load Provider Name into ProvPath var
ProvPath = ActiveDocument.FormFields("ProvName").Result
' Load Date of Service from form into DateofSvc var
DateofSVc = ActiveDocument.FormFields("DoS").Result
' Load first name into new variable
PatFirstName = PatFullName(0)
' Load patient last name into new variable
PatLastName = PatFullName(1)
' Build file save as path
ProgNotePathAndFileName = "\\mdihcpsi\users\Transcription\CFP Mona
York\Local " _
& ProvPath & "\To Be Printed " & ProvPath & "\" & DateofSVc & " " _
& PatLastName & " " & PatFirstName & ".doc"
' Save file
ActiveDocument.SaveAs ProgNotePathAndFileName
' Build message confirming file save
FileSavedAs = "Progress Note saved as " & ProgNotePathAndFileName
' Display confirmation
MsgBox FileSavedAs
' Build path and file name for new document template
TemplatePath = "C:\Progress Note Templates\Prog Note " _
& ProvPath & ".dot"
' Open new document
Documents.Add Template:=TemplatePath
<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP
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