VBA module is password protected


Alex T

Hi group.

Here is the situation. I inherited a workbook at work that
has some VBA codes (or macros). the guy before me,
created it, but I can't look at the vba modules and look
at the codes because its password protected and ...yes I
don't (no one at the company) has it.

Is there any way to crack this ?




I could unlock the file for you!!!

Two conditions:
1. I have your word that you are doing this legally (yes, we ar
working on the honor system here), if I get the file and it looks lik
something that shouldn't be messed with or just looks suspicious to m
I will delete it and not provide further help.
2. If you are interested in having me do this post a reply with you
e-mail address, this way I can e-mail you and don't have to post m
e-mail address out here for everyone to start sending me e-mails askin
for this (or spam).

Don't let the conditions scare you off, I am only tring to protec
myself here!


Alex T

Hi jeff,
Its certainly legal, its basically VBA module to sort data
with a click event and things of this nature.

I have to email it to you tomorrow morning from work.
in the meanwhile, my personal email is (e-mail address removed)

thank you and I really appreciate it. If you email me to
my yahoo, I'll email you from work via my work email...

Alex (aka. Arash T).

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