vba: possible to replace a varname with a document


Mark Findlay

Using vba, is it possible to replace a single word / string within a
document, with the entire contents of another document?

Many thanks!


yes. This is oversimplified, but should be enough to get you going:

Set Doc = Documents.Open(DocToInsert)

Selection.Find.Execute WordLookedFor

Word Heretic

G'day "Mark Findlay" <[email protected]>,

Yes. You write a Find routine, one of my skeletons for this is
available free from www.editorium.com back issues.

Use a find with no replace. This will set the host range (the
SomeRange in SomeRange.Find) to the span of the single word. You can
then use that range to InsertFile into. Repeat until no words found.

I haved used this method myself a number of times to dynabuild
documents. Its a good un.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
Want a hyperlinked index? S/W R&D? See WordHeretic.com

steve from wordheretic.com (Email replies require payment)

Mark Findlay reckoned:

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