VBA presentations.InsertFromFile broken under Office 2003 SP3



I have been struggling with a problem the last couple of days writing
a report for a custom. The report basically automates the process of
concatenating presentations one after the other into one single
presentation. I've never experienced this problem before but when I
encountered a presentation with a flash object, the report stops dead
in it tracks with no error message. PowerPoint does not crash, the
report just stops. I sent the report to our customer and it worked
for him. After comparing our two computers it turned out the I was
running Office 2003 SP3 and he was running Office 2003 SP2. So, some
how, and I don't know how, SP3 prevents inserting one presentation
containing a flash object into another presentation. Please note that
this problem only occurs in VBA. Performing the process manually
within PowerPoint, then all works fine. As a note, Office 2002 SP3
does not work either. It did previously because I wrote the original
report under this version. Also note, this may or may not be limited
to flash objectives. That's all I'm working with at this time so the
same problem may appear with other objects as well.


Shyam Pillai

I just tried this on PPT 2003 SP3 and did not experience this. Are you
automating from an external application? What are your security settings?

Shyam Pillai

Image Importer Wizard: http://skp.mvps.org/iiw.htm

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