VBA Reference Book



What would rate as the best VBA reference book if I'm wanting to
understand the fundamentals/structure of VBA and learn/develop my
programming skills. I have investigated shortcourses etc, but they
seem to usually run 2 days tops and to me that does not seem sufficient
to gain an understanding of VBA. I don't have a programming background
hence I am not familiar with VB etc etc. Is that perhaps something I
should be looking into? Currently I just plagiarise code from the net
and would prefer to understand in depth what I am copying. I accept
time and practice is paramount, however I would just like to set the
foundations "correctly"

I appreciate any feedback in advance



Firstly, get used to starting with the macro recorder to generate workable
(but not always the most efficient) code.
From this code, you can remove the mistakes and (normally) the .Select(s) to
give you an idea of the properties/function/etc required to achieve your
The Help files and Object Browser should also become familiar to you.

After that, start at your local library and when you outstrip the level
available there, you should have a better idea of further references to
I have seldom seen much that would draw me courses, if it involved my own
My $0.02.


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