VBA - SaveAs hangs (2003 vs 2k ?)



I've searched this forum and a bunch of microsoft docs and have no
found a solution to my problem, so I'm wondering if anyone here know
why this is happening:

My code below executes perfectly on my PC running Excel 2003. But whe
I attempt to run it on 2 other PCs, both running Excel 2000 for wha
it's worth, the code simply hangs at the "SaveAs" ... no error o

I don't know for sure whether it is version-related (2k v. 2003)..
just throwing that out there since this DOES WORK on my 2003 machine..
in fact I am out of ideas as to why this would happen.

Anyone seen anything like this?
Am I doing something wrong?
Any clues would be greatly appreciated


My code:

Private Sub SaveGraph()
Dim xExcelApp As New Excel.Application
Dim xWorkbk As Excel.Workbook
Dim xTempName As String
Dim xSaveName As String
Dim xPath As String

Set xWorkbk = xExcelApp.Workbooks.Add

' ===============================
'Create Graph Here
' ===============================

xPath = "C:\temp\"
xTempName = xPath & "test_graph.xls"

ChDir xPath

xSaveName = m_objExcelApp.GetSaveAsFilename( _
InitialFileName:=xTempName, _
FileFilter:="Microsoft Excel Workboo
(*.xls), *.xls")

MsgBox "saving..."
xWorkbk.SaveAs FileName:=xSaveName ' << dies here
MsgBox "saved!"

End Sub




Just taking some guesses.

Have you tried passing the filename by position, instead of by name.
xWorkbk.SaveAs xSaveName

Do you have the application visible?
xExcelApp.Visible = True

I see you have another variable: m_objExcelApp
Where is this defined. Is it visible?


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