vba screen disorganized ... how to get back to its normal look?



Hi All,
The look of by VBA programming screen occasionally gets switched away from its default look. I wander around for too much time
trying to find how to get it back to its default "look and feel." What am I missing?
The project, properties and code windows all seem to need constant resizing and relocating, etc.
I know there is a snap button somewhere.

Greg Maxey

For Word 2000 and later, VBE settings are common across all applications and
all VBE instances must be closed before registry changes will take proper
effect (and not get overwritten).

Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VBA\6.0\Common contains several
values relating to VBA customization.

Value: "Dock" contains details of the window positions.

This value can be deleted and the built-in defaults will take effect next
time the VBE is opened.


Thank you Greg, I'm back up with the regular look & feel. You are right. It was the docking. I do not know how I occasionally
fall off the dock twice a year . but thanks. I've made a note to find my way back when it happens a' gin.

You worded your response well. Someone who knew not about registry editing would not have been able to find it. Still, I'm
cautious about registry modification.


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