VBA slows with time



Hi Group,

Hope all are having a good day. I have some code that does web queries. It
is sort of in 4 legs. It does a lookup of Fund ticker symbols and bring back
closes for a specific symbol and a specific single day. The list of symbols
is a little over 800.

It does this 4 times for 4 different dates, what I am calling legs. So 4
legs. Each leg about doubles the time of the previous leg. 2 minutes, 4
minutes, 5 minutes and 10 minutes. The query is deleted after each look up
and all names are also deleted.

When the macro is finished. Task manger indicated that Excel.exe is still
using 90% of memory. I am very perplexed at this situation.

Does anyone have any insights on this situation?
One of the other problems I am having is that when I leave this message and
check the box below "Notify me of replies", I do not recieve e-mail

Thanks for your help,


Hi r,

Someone helped me me with the code and asked me not to share it. Sorry.
There is really not anything that complicated. It it bring in a csv table
from Yahoo and like I said the names are deleted.

The person that helped me I trust. I did look through the various class
modules to see if something might not be in them and found nothing.

I might copy the code out and put it in a new file to test it and see if
that makes a difference, but I expect not. Looking for others that might have
had similar problems and found some sort of solution.

What was most suprising was the continued Excel.exe memory usage, after the
macro has finished.

Still looking for insight.


Alan Hutchins


It looks as though the process is not releasing memory as it goes through
the 4 legs as you describe.

I would suggest that you go back to the original author and discuss with
them, as they may suggest that you reset any variables to nothing and so on
to see if that makes a difference.


Thank you, I will try and reset the variables and try again.
I did empty the IE cache between the 3rd and 4th leg, but that made no change.



Hi Again,

I did change the code so that the variables are put to nothing at each pass.
I Escaped to pause the execution about 2/3 of the way through the 4th pass. I
estimate the 4th pass will take about 38 minutes, so it appears that this did
not work.

Task Manager indicates that Excel.exe is consuming 99% of memory. If I go
into the worksheet being acted upon, enter something simple in a cell or
simply moving around can take 1 to 1 1/2 seconds, simply put it has slowed
response time extremely.

I do think we may be on the right track though, but Excel is using memory
for other purposes, beyond variable memory storage. The code has been copied
out of the original file and put in clean to a new module, so I am certain
none of the other Class Modules have code in them. After Excel has had some
time to "calm down" it is no longer comsuming 99% of memory, but in the
worksheet, response time is very, very slow, as already noted.

Maybe some one has some more ideas? BackgroundQuery = False is already the


Hi Again Group,

After the macro completed, CPU usage for excel remained at 95%+ for over 20
minutes. I do beleive it would have stayed that way for a very long time.

After shutting down and reopening Excel, task manager showed Excel.exe CPU
usage back to normal, even in the same file.

Still very much at a loss for explaining this, especially after the macros
had completed. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.



You have a memory leak. I've had this happen when querying from xl
files. There's also a kb article about it with text files, but I can't
find it right now.

This is similar - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/319998. The issue
seems common across apps and file types.

Basically, the data source has to be closed for memory to behave,
otherwise it just keeps allocating (or trying to) more memory. Hope
this helps.

Cliff Edwards


Hi Cliff,

Thank you very much. I do believe this is the answer. I changed the code to
deal with it, more avoid it, not deal with it.

Thank you,

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