VBA Sort



Does VBA have a built-in sort function? Seems like it should, but I can't
find one. If the answer is YES, please give syntax and an example.

I saw that there is a DOCMD.Runcommand acSortAscending or something like
that, but it looked like it could only be used with a control such as list
box. I couldn't find the syntax or an example that helped. I just want to
sort an array of strings. Thanks for any help.



Here's an efficient function:

Sub Quicksort(aSortArray, l As Long, Num_Rows As Long, Sort_Column As Long)
Dim i As Long, c As Long, j As Long, x As String, y As String
i = l
j = Num_Rows
x = aSortArray(((l + Num_Rows) / 2), Sort_Column)
While (i <= j)
While (aSortArray(i, Sort_Column) < x And i < Num_Rows)
i = i + 1
While (x < aSortArray(j, Sort_Column) And j > l)
j = j - 1
If (i <= j) Then
For c = LBound(aSortArray, 2) To UBound(aSortArray, 2)
y = aSortArray(i, c)
aSortArray(i, c) = aSortArray(j, c)
aSortArray(j, c) = y
Next c
i = i + 1
j = j - 1
End If
If (l < j) Then Call Quicksort(aSortArray, l, j, Sort_Column)
If (i < Num_Rows) Then Call Quicksort(aSortArray, i, Num_Rows,
End Sub

And sample code how it's used

' Sort the items in the ListBox.
Sub SortListBox(list_box As ListBox)

Dim values() As String
Dim num_items As Long
Dim i As Integer

' Put the list choices in a string array.
num_items = list_box.ListCount

If num_items = 0 Then Exit Sub

ReDim values(1 To num_items, 1 To 3)

For i = 1 To num_items
values(i, 1) = list_box.List(i - 1, 0)
values(i, 2) = list_box.List(i - 1, 1)
values(i, 3) = IIf(IsNull(list_box.List(i - 1, 2)), 0,
list_box.List(i - 1, 2))
Next i

' Sort the list.
Quicksort values, 1, num_items, 1

' Put the items back in the ListBox.
For i = 1 To num_items
list_box.AddItem values(i, 1)
list_box.List(list_box.ListCount - 1, 1) = values(i, 2)
list_box.List(list_box.ListCount - 1, 2) = values(i, 3)

Next i

End Sub

Howard Kaikow


Up until a couple of years ago, for Word VBA, I used to recommend that
folkes use the WordBasic SortArray in VBA, as, surely, one could not write
VBA code to do better than the built-in sort in WordBasic.

A few years ago, I decided to test my own advice and found that was I ever
The built-in WordBasic sort is awful.

I then started investigating various implementations of QuickSort, each of
which beat the WordBasic Sort by a huge amount.

However, I found "significant" variations in performance of various
QuickSort algorithms published in various VBA books for Access, Excel and
Word. I was able, without much difficulty, to write my own QuickSort which
beat all the others.

I then decided to compare my results, so I made a Sort Demo project to test
I was going to release the Sort Demo, but I could not legally include the
code of others from those books, not to mention the pissing contest that
would ensue even if I could post the code.

So I narrowed my demo to just compare code that I wrote, for a few sorting
methods, with WordBasic.

Perhaps, this thread will finally prompt me to release the demo

Howard Kaikow

Here's some info.

Used random integer data.
Data was not, intentionally, partially sorted.
10000 numbers were generated for each run.
Numbers were stored in a vector, not a multiple dimension array.
Numbers were sorted as strings.

4 runs were made.
The following are the average times, in milliseconds, for each algorithm.

Bubble sort: 49516
Counting sort: 20
WordBasic SortArray: 40423.25
Quick sort: 247.5

I coded the bubble, Counting and Quick sort codes.

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