VBA Sumproduct for External Source



Sub final()

ar1 = "'S:\Main Files\Daily Productivity\Current\[Current
ar2 = "'S:\Main Files\Daily Productivity\Current\[Current

ans = Calendar1.Value

If Not IsNumeric(ans) Then
ans = """" & ans & """"
End If
pct = Application.Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT((" & ar1 & "=" _
& ans & ")*(" & ar2 & "))")

With Label1
.Caption = Format(pct, "0%")
End With

End Sub

When this gets run it throws up a Run-Time error '13', and when I debug it
shows me that pct's value = Error 2023.
Anyway to get this to work? As a last resort I suppose I can enter the
formula into a new workbook then delete that workbook once it has the

Tom Ogilvy

? cverr(xlErrRef)
Error 2023

I couldn't get your formula to work in code. I think you would need to open
the workbook you want to query.

Bob Phillips

I think that dropping the formula into a cell and then picking up the value
is the only way it will work. Excel can evaluate the formula over closed
workbooks, but VBA seems not to be able to.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


First off, cheers for spending the time to look at this.

I was wanting a userform that could tell someone the productivity for
whatever team on whatever day, and I created the productivity to be like a
list so that other sheets could easily query it with sumproducts or a pivot

I guess if I can't calculate the information straight from the sheets I can
use a preset workbook to open when the userform opens, and closes when the
userform closes and have the calculations present in there.


Tom Ogilvy said:
? cverr(xlErrRef)
Error 2023

I couldn't get your formula to work in code. I think you would need to open
the workbook you want to query.

Tom Ogilvy

PaulW said:
Sub final()

ar1 = "'S:\Main Files\Daily Productivity\Current\[Current
ar2 = "'S:\Main Files\Daily Productivity\Current\[Current

ans = Calendar1.Value

If Not IsNumeric(ans) Then
ans = """" & ans & """"
End If
pct = Application.Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT((" & ar1 & "=" _
& ans & ")*(" & ar2 & "))")

With Label1
.Caption = Format(pct, "0%")
End With

End Sub

When this gets run it throws up a Run-Time error '13', and when I debug it
shows me that pct's value = Error 2023.
Anyway to get this to work? As a last resort I suppose I can enter the
formula into a new workbook then delete that workbook once it has the

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