I am using a "switch" command on an insert and having trouble on breaking the
end of line in vba. (While still in the switch.) Can anyone help?
This is just a snipet of the code, but how do I continue a line in VBA
between PR01 and FIELD2?? (I put in question mark ?? where I want to break
the line.
insert into report_data_prior ( store, period, amount) " & _
"values ( '" & hv_store& "', '" & Switch(field1 =
"test1", pr01,?? field2 = "test2", pr02)
I cannot seem to figure ou the syntax because it is all within the
end of line in vba. (While still in the switch.) Can anyone help?
This is just a snipet of the code, but how do I continue a line in VBA
between PR01 and FIELD2?? (I put in question mark ?? where I want to break
the line.
insert into report_data_prior ( store, period, amount) " & _
"values ( '" & hv_store& "', '" & Switch(field1 =
"test1", pr01,?? field2 = "test2", pr02)
I cannot seem to figure ou the syntax because it is all within the