VBA to add button to QAT




Is there any VBA to add a builtin word button to the Quick Access Toolbar
and not rely on the user doing it. This code will be incorporated into an



I already have an addin to create our Corporate ribbon tabs, but was looking
for a simple way to add the 'Switch Windows' button the QAT (if not already
there) so the user can more easily get to the active document list.

Stefan Blom

Note also that you can save QAT customizations in a particular template. The
commands added will then be available when you open a document based on that


hello (Further investigation)

I've had a look into the word.qat file which I'm led to believe holds the
xml for the users QAT. Is it not a matter of just adding the following tag to
the xml at the position that the button is to appear (if the tag is not
already present).

<mso:control idQ="mso:WindowSwitchWindowsMenuWord" visible="true"/>

Stefan Blom

I've never tried editing the QAT, although it certainly looks like you
could, even with a simple text editor.

But note that just adding the necessary commands to a Word template (*.dotx
file) and placing that file in the Startup folder would ensure that the
commands are visible at all times, without messing with the user's Word.qat

Stefan Blom

Stefan Blom said:
I've never tried editing the QAT, although it certainly looks like you
could, even with a simple text editor.

To clarify, I'm referring to the Word.qat file here.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

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