VBA to apply a Soft Return (or Hard Return) at end of wrapped line



Office 2003

Word is a wonderful word processer. Visio, expecially, text-box
editing is cryptic at best.

Goal -> 1) Type information (For the Visio text Box) in Word
2) Manually ascertain the approx line length that Visio
will handle in that particular text box.
3) Set margins manually in Word to wrap at #2's width
4) VBA-process the word document to place a soft return at
end of the wrapped line (should this be a hard return?)
Visio seems to handle a soft Return while text editing.
(Should I process to file as a word or as a text file?
5) Copy/Paste the processed file into Visio.

Would someone please supply the VBA code for #4 or other advice to help
solve my challenge?


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