VBA to Assign Outlook Task



I'm using Excel Office 2007. I would like a VBA code to create a task in
Outlook based on a date in an Excel workbook. Once the task is completed, I
would like that completion date entered into the Excel Workbook. Is this

My initial date is located in the workbook 'Loan Book', worksheet 'Loan
Data' cell CN9. I would like the task completion due date to be four days
prior to the sheet date. Once the task is completed, I would like that
completion date CP9.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


It is posisible but I think it needs to be done the opposite way.

The macro needs to be written in Outlook VBA not excel VBA. When the event
is finished that event would be recognized in Outlook VBA (not excel VBA).
Since it is possible to open an excel workbook from Outlook it would be
better that.

You will need to setup a module code in Outllok to create a calendar event.
This code would open the workbook. You will also need a class module
inoutlook so when the calendar event occurs again open the workbook up a
enter into the workbook that the event completed.

I sample of the code to create the event is shown below. It may be better
to ask additional questions about outlook at the outlook programming website.

Public Sub cmdExample()

Set excelobj = getobject("c:\Myappointment\book1.xls")
MyDate = excelobj.sheets("sheet1").Range("A1")

Set myOlApp = New Outlook.Application
Set myApptItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)
myApptItem.Start = Mydate
myApptItem.End = #2/2/1998 4:00:00 PM#
myApptItem.Subject = "Meet with Boss"

'Get the recurrence pattern for this appointment
'and set it so that this is a daily appointment
'that begins on 2/2/98 and ends on 2/2/99
'and save it.
Set myRecurrPatt = myApptItem.GetRecurrencePattern
myRecurrPatt.RecurrenceType = olRecursDaily
myRecurrPatt.PatternStartDate = #2/2/1998#
myRecurrPatt.PatternEndDate = #2/2/1999#

'Access the items in the Calendar folder to locate
'the master AppointmentItem for the new series.
Set myNameSpace = myOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myFolder = myNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
Set myItems = myFolder.Items
Set myApptItem = myItems("Meet with Boss")

'Get the recurrence pattern for this appointment
'and obtain the occurrence for 3/12/98.
myDate = #3/12/1998 3:00:00 PM#
Set myRecurrPatt = myApptItem.GetRecurrencePattern
Set myOddApptItem = myRecurrPatt.GetOccurrence(myDate)

'Save the existing subject. Change the subject and
'starting time for this particular appointment
'and save it.
saveSubject = myOddApptItem.Subject
myOddApptItem.Subject = "Meet NEW Boss"
newDate = #3/12/1998 3:30:00 PM#
myOddApptItem.Start = newDate

'Get the recurrence pattern for the master
'AppointmentItem. Access the collection of
'exceptions to the regular appointments.
Set myRecurrPatt = myApptItem.GetRecurrencePattern
Set myException = myRecurrPatt.Exceptions.Item(1)

'Display the original date, time, and subject
'for this exception.
MsgBox myException.OriginalDate & ": " & saveSubject

'Display the current date, time, and subject
'for this exception.
MsgBox myException.AppointmentItem.Start & ": " & _
End Sub

JP Ronse

Hi Jim,

Hereafter some code I'm using to create and send outlook tasks to my
colleagues. It's Excel 2003 VBA but think it should work also in 2007.

The code is probably not answering your question in a direct way, but you
should be able to find in it how to create a task in outlook using excel.


JP Ronse

''' Procedure: AssignTask(rngActiveCell as range)
''' Comments:
''' © 2004 Jean-Pierre Degroote
''' Date Developer Action
''' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' 26/12/2004 Jean-Pierre Degroote Created
Sub AssignTask(rngActiveCell As Range)
Dim strMailAddress As String
Dim strFirstName As String
Dim strCommentText As String
Dim varSendDisplay As Variant
Dim dblStartTime As Double
Dim dblEndTime As Double

On Error Resume Next
''' check if a mail address is valid
strMailAddress = Application.VLookup(Cells(2, rngActiveCell.Column),
Sheets("Engineers").Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion, 3, False)
'''strMailAddress = TranslateName(Cells(2, rngActiveCell.Column),
strFirstName = Application.VLookup(Cells(2, rngActiveCell.Column),
Sheets("Engineers").Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion, 2, False)

gintPos = InStr(1, strMailAddress, "@", vbTextCompare)
If gintPos = 1 Then GoTo Exit_Notify

strCommentText = rngActiveCell.Comment.Text
''' if chr(10) limit to first
gintPos = InStr(1, strCommentText, Chr(10), vbTextCompare)
If gintPos > 0 Then
strCommentText = Left(strCommentText, gintPos - 1)
End If

''' remove T! mark
If InStr(1, strCommentText, "!") = 2 Then
strCommentText = Mid(strCommentText, 4)
End If
Set gobjOutlook = GetObject(, "Outlook.application")

Set gobjTask = gobjOutlook.CreateItem(olTaskItem)
With gobjTask
gintPos = InStr(1, strCommentText, " ", vbTextCompare)
If gintPos = 0 Then
.Subject = rngActiveCell & " " & strCommentText & ": Task
.Subject = rngActiveCell & " " & Left(strCommentText, gintPos -
1) & ": Task Assignment"
End If
.Body = "Dear " & strFirstName & vbCr & vbCr
If gintPos = 0 Then
.Body = .Body & "Please accept this task: " & rngActiveCell & "
" & strCommentText
.Body = .Body & "Please accept this task: " & rngActiveCell & "
" & Left(strCommentText, gintPos - 1)
End If
.Body = .Body & vbCr & vbCr
.Body = .Body & "Best regards," & vbCr
.Body = .Body & PlanningUser & vbCr & vbCr
''' add comment to body
.Body = .Body & rngActiveCell.Comment.Text

.startdate = Cells(rngActiveCell.Row, 1)
.DueDate = .startdate + Mid(strCommentText, InStr(1, strCommentText,
"/", vbTextCompare) + 1)
''' correct due date, check if owner is working
gintPos = .DueDate - .startdate
Do While gintPos >= 1
Select Case rngActiveCell.Offset(gintPos, 0)
Case "M", "A", "N", "D", "D1", "D2", "D3", "AS35"
Exit Do
Case Else
''' correct duedate
.DueDate = .DueDate - 1
gintPos = gintPos - 1
End Select

''' add task from startdate to duedate
For gintPos = 1 To .DueDate - .startdate
Select Case rngActiveCell.Offset(gintPos, 0)
Case "M", "A", "N", "D", "D1", "D2", "D3"
If HasComment(rngActiveCell.Offset(gintPos, 0)) Then
rngActiveCell.Offset(gintPos, 0).Comment.Text
Text:=strCommentText & Chr(10) & rngActiveCell.Offset(gintPos,
AddComment rngActiveCell.Offset(gintPos, 0),
End If
rngActiveCell.Offset(gintPos, 0).Interior.ColorIndex =
End Select

Next gintPos

Set gobjMailAddress = .Recipients.Add(strMailAddress)
'''Set gobjMailAddress = .Recipients.Add("(e-mail address removed)")
'''gobjMailAddress.Type = olBCC
'''gobjMailAddress.Type = olCC
.StatusOnCompletionRecipients = "(e-mail address removed)"
'''.StatusUpdateRecipients = "(e-mail address removed)"
.ReminderSet = True
.ReminderTime = .DueDate - 1
End With
Set gobjTask = Nothing
Set gobjOutlook = Nothing
With rngActiveCell.Interior
.ColorIndex = CLR_TASKS
.Pattern = xlCrissCross
.PatternColorIndex = 15
End With
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

Steve Yandl


I've done code to synchronize a list of tasks between a workbook and Outlook
but there is so much code that doesn't apply to your specific needs posting
it as is might not be real helpful. I could pull out the pertinent portions
but there are a few things to think about first.

You are probably going to want at least a subject for the task to go along
with the due date. Where is that going to come from?

Outlook tasks have a ".Status" property that will equal "COMPLETED" when the
task is completed. You can check the value of the property from Excel but
you need to think about what event(s) will trigger your subroutine to check.
It isn't practical to continuously monitor for a change in task status but
you could certainly do something like check everytime the workbook is opened
or you could have a button to click that would allow the user to force a
check at any time.

As it turns out, you could have tasks with the same subject. The value of
the task items ".EntryID" property is a unique value for each task. You
will want to designate a cell somewhere to store this value for the outlook
task item you create so your VBA code in the Excel Workbook has a value that
can be used to effectively retrieve the specific task you created when
checking to see if the ".Status" property has become "COMPLETED".

You will want to use IsDate on the value of your cell where the start date
is to avoid errors. At that point, if it's confirmed as a date you simply
subtract 4 and set the Outlook TaskItem's ".DueDate" property to that value.

Steve Yandl

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