If you have a hyperlink that opens the file, then add the hyperlink to a
relevant Task (Insert Hyperlink). In VBA use Application.FollowHyperlink
Address, SubAddress, AddHistory, NewWindow
See help for more informaiton.
GetObject is used to try and link to any object that is active, such as the
Excel application.
on error resume next
Set xlApp=GetObject(,"Excel.Application")
If xlapp is nothing then
'No Excel application running so start one
set xlapp=createobject("Excel.Application")
End if
Rod Gill
Microsoft MVP for Project
Author of the only book on Project VBA, see:
That's OK, I'm performing some test on it and it works....
but how can I open an excel stored in a workspace????
for example, if I'm working on a Project namend Test1, the WorkSpace
should have the following URL:
and there, in the Project Document, there is a folder named "00 - MS
Excel Support File" and inside there is the Excel File that I should
open and manipulate....
how can I open this file???
I have tried with
Set xlApp = GetObject("
Documents/00 MS Excel File/Direct Cost Summary.xls",
but it doesn't work..... it give me the following error:
Run time error: 429
ActiveX Component can't create object...
what is wrong????
thanks so much...