VBA to delete message after reply



I'm trying to find some VBA that will move the original message to th
deleted folder after I reply and have stumbled across this website.
After installing the code it turns the following red

Private WithEvents ReplyButton As Office.CommandBarButton
Private WithEvents m_Inspectors As Outlook.Inspector

This code doesn't seem to work and I'm thinking the red may be why.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

FYI I have also posted at the following websites.



Alan Moseley

Try putting all of the code into the ThisOutlookSession code window rather
than a module window.


Thank you, now the red is gone but I'm not sure why the code doesn'
work. Maybe it's because I'm using Outlook 2007? Its supposed to mov
a message from my inbox to the deleted items when I reply to it

Alan Moseley

It certainly works on 2003, but only after you have saved the code and
restarted Outlook (as the button is only initialised at startup). I think
that your problem will be that you are clicking on the ribbon menu buttons to
reply, and I don't think that this code is designed to pick up the click
event of the ribbon button. I don't have a copy of 2003 so I am unable to
provide any further input on that.


I have Outlook 2007.
I had to restart outlook and save the code as you suggested. Also as
you suggested it doesn't work when I open the message and click reply
on the ribbon. Does anyone know how to modify the code to work when I
do that with Outlook 2007?
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents ReplyButton As Office.CommandBarButton
Private WithEvents m_Inspectors As Outlook.Inspectors
Private m_Mail As Outlook.MailItem

Private Sub Application_Startup()
Set ReplyButton = Application.ActiveExplorer.CommandBars.FindControl(, 354)
Set m_Inspectors = Application.Inspectors
End Sub

Private Sub m_Inspectors_NewInspector(ByVal Inspector As Outlook.Inspector)
On Error Resume Next
If Not m_Mail Is Nothing Then
Set m_Mail = Nothing
End If
End Sub

Private Sub ReplyButton_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Office.CommandBarButton, _
CancelDefault As Boolean _
On Error Resume Next

If TypeOf Application.ActiveWindow Is Outlook.Explorer Then
Set m_Mail = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection(1)
Set m_Mail = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
End If
End Sub

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

A ribbon click in Outlook 2007 would not trigger the CommandBarButton click
for Outlook 2003, as surmised. Working with the ribbon is not supported at
all in Outlook VBA code. The only way to work with the ribbon for Outlook
2007 is to use a COM addin.

An alternative might be to just handle the Reply() event for an item rather
than trying to respond to a button click.


Would your alternative suggestion of handline the Reply() event b
something that's easily done? I'm not a programmer and found this cod
online so if not then I'm at a loss. Appreciate your suggestions.

'Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook said:
;271848']A ribbon click in Outlook 2007 would not trigger th
CommandBarButton click
for Outlook 2003, as surmised. Working with the ribbon is not supporte
all in Outlook VBA code. The only way to work with the ribbon fo
2007 is to use a COM addin.

An alternative might be to just handle the Reply() event for an ite
than trying to respond to a button click.

"Alan Moseley" (e-mail address removed) wrote in message
It certainly works on 2003, but only after you have saved the cod
restarted Outlook (as the button is only initialised at startup).
that your problem will be that you are clicking on the ribbon men
reply, and I don't think that this code is designed to pick up th
event of the ribbon button. I don't have a copy of 2003 so I a
unable to
provide any further input on that.
Alan Moseley IT Consultancy

If I have solved your problem, please click Yes below. Thanks.


Thank you, now the red is gone but I'm not sure why the code doesn't
work. Maybe it's because I'm using Outlook 2007? Its supposed t
a message from my inbox to the deleted items when I reply to it.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

You have to know something to work with Reply. That's an event that fires
when an is replied to. If you want to also handle when someone clicks Reply
All you need to also handle the ReplyAll event.

You already are handling the NewInspector event, so you need to change your
Private m_Mail declaration to a WithEvents declaration. Then when an item is
opened check the Inspector.CurrentItem.Class property for olMail. If it's a
mail item assign m_Mail to that item. You would also do the same in the
Explorer.SelectionChange event if only 1 item is selected and it's a mail
item. To do that you need to declare an Explorers collection object
WithEvents and handle the SelectionChange event.

Then since your mail item object can handle events you handle Reply and
ReplyAll (and Forward if you want).

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