VBA to remove a Menu Bar item



Word 2003

What is the VBA code to remove a Main Menu bar item labeled "XBRL"?

I assume that I will put the VBA code in Module1?

The XBRL item should have been removed when I removed XBRL from my system.

TIA Dennis


Hi Dennis-

If you just need to remove the item from the menu bar, try holding the Alt
key while you drag the item off the bar into your doc window.

If that doesn't work, go to Tools>Customize and try dragging it off the bar
while that dialog box is open. No need for the Alt key, just don't drop it
on a toolbar or it will settle in there.

If all above fails and you don't have other Menu customization you want to
keep, go to the Toolbars tab in the same Customize dialog box. Click on the
Menu Bar name & click Reset.

HTH |:>)

On 4/5/05 4:41 PM, in article
Word 2003

What is the VBA code to remove a Main Menu bar item labeled "XBRL"?

I assume that I will put the VBA code in Module1?

The XBRL item should have been removed when I removed XBRL from my system.

TIA Dennis

-- (e-mail address removed)

Suzanne S. Barnhill

No need for a macro. Press Alt and drag the menu item off the Menu Bar. If
you are prompted to save Normal.dot when you quit Word, say yes. Note,
however, that if the menu button is placed by an add-in that loads at
startup, it will be restored every time you start Word unless you delete the
add-in from Word's Startup folder.

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