VBA to SaveAs current project with added Date & Time in filename



2003 up-to-date

How to save current project with current project filename + Current Date + Current Time

? Date() in Immediate Window - Returns date with "/" which cannot be used in a filename.

Therefore, how can I SaveAs a CurrentProject.name + Date + Time in a "new" filename?

Or kinda-like -

DoCmd.Save CurrentProject.Path & "\" & CurrentProject.name & Date????? & Time ?????

TIA EagleOne

Clif McIrvin

2003 up-to-date

How to save current project with current project filename + Current
Date + Current Time

? Date() in Immediate Window - Returns date with "/" which cannot be
used in a filename.

Therefore, how can I SaveAs a CurrentProject.name + Date + Time in a
"new" filename?

Or kinda-like -

DoCmd.Save CurrentProject.Path & "\" & CurrentProject.name &
Date????? & Time ?????

TIA EagleOne

Here's some code I put together to do something similar saving email as
text from Outlook. I'm going to remove the Outlook specific code as it's
not particularly relevant.

There are a variety of ways to break apart date information: Have you
looked at all the various date/time functions in the VBA help? Also, is
it important for the date-time information to be recognizable? In the
sample below I'm using just enough of the system date/time value to
guarantee a unique filename. I've since thought of other ways to do it,
but at the time I wrote a FRA function to extract just the fractional
value from a number.

As to dealing with the slash, I wrote a function to remove poison
characters from a string.

Hope this is useful!

::::::::::::: Begin VBA code :::::::::::::::::::::::

Public Const HomeEmail = "C:\long path name\to\folder I save to\"

rem function to return fractional portion of a number

Public Function Fra(ByVal num As Double) As Double

Fra = num - (Fix(num))

End Function

rem portion of code to save email message as text

Public Sub SaveAsTXT()

' Save selected mail item as text to home email folder.

' Add now() stamp to prevent duplicate filenames

rem I removed code to get email message.

"myItem.Subject" is the string containing the email subject,

which I use as the filename. There are some debug.print lines

commented out that I used during testing:

With myItem

' Debug.Print "Subject: ", .Subject

' Debug.Print "New name: ", .Subject & _

Format(Now Mod 1000 + Fra(Now), " 000.00000") & ".txt"

strName = HomeEmail & ParseFileName(.Subject) & _

Format(Now Mod 1000 + Fra(Now), " 000.00000") & ".txt"

' Debug.Print strName

rem strName is the fully qualified pathname of the new file. At this
point I inserted the Outlook SaveAS command.

End With

'Debug.Print "End Save as Text "; time

Set myItem = Nothing

Set SavedAsText = Nothing

End Sub

rem And this is the function to remove poison characters from a string.

I replace the poison character with a space, then finish with a test for
any double spaces and remove any found.

Public Function ParseFileName(ByVal strName As String) As String

' remove poison characters from a filename string

' \ / : * ? " < > |

' then replace any double spaces with single spaces

Dim Poison As Variant 'Array of Poison characters

Dim c1 As Integer 'instr start parameter

Poison = Array("\", "/", ":", "*", "?", """", "<", ">", "|", " ")

If Len(strName) > 0 Then

For Each c In Poison

c1 = 1 'Search from 1st character


c1 = InStr(c1, strName, c, vbBinaryCompare)

If c1 Then

Mid(strName, c1, 1) = " "

If Len(c) > 1 Then

strName = Left(strName, c1) & Mid(strName, c1 + Len(c))

End If

End If

Loop Until c1 = 0

Next c

ParseFileName = strName

End If

End Function

::::::::::::: End VBA code :::::::::::::::::::::::


Thank you so much for your knowledge and time!!

Also, I am learning about Access VBA which has different capabilities when compared to Excel VBA.

Just experimenting, I came up with" myFilename &" "& Replace(Date, "/", "-") & " " & Time()


Douglas J. Steele

Far better to control the format of the date yourself. Your users could have
an unusual Date format defined....

myFilename &" "& Format((Date, "yyyy\-mm\-dd") & " " & Format(Time,

Douglas J. Steele

Just realized there's no reason to use Date and Time: the Now function gives
you both:

myFilename &" "& Format(Now, "yyyy\-mm\-dd\-hh\-nn\-ss")

(Sorry about the extra parenthesis in the previous answer, too.)


Thanks Doug.

What code can I use to set-up for saving my current file (database) as another file?

MY attempts included (to no avail):

Dim TempFile As AccessObject
Set TempFile = CurrentProject.name
TempFile.SaveAs CurrentProject.Path & "MyFile " & Replace(Date, "/", "-") & " " & Time()

Help! (Can I record a macro in Access like in Excel?)

Douglas J. Steele

You can't record macros in Access, and you can't save the currently open

Why do you think it's necessary to save the current file?

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