
Can someone tell me what kind of a jump it is from VBA to VB as to learning
What kind of a market is there for VBA programmers?
What kind of a market is there for VB programmers?


Not that big of a leap. There are some differences, but nothing you wont
pick pretty quickly.

The market for either seems to be dwendling a little. Prehaps more so for
VB because the companies that were doing VB apps are now going toward browser
based apps using .Net with things like C#.Net, VB.Net (A bigger lead, it is
barely VB at all). The VBA market is fairly stable because it is usually
small to medium sized companies or departments within larger companies that
are using it. The down side is the pay scale for VBA programmers is a little
less than the others.

Marshall Barton

John said:
Can someone tell me what kind of a jump it is from VBA to VB as to learning
What kind of a market is there for VBA programmers?
What kind of a market is there for VB programmers?

Markets are as you find them.

The gap between VB and VBA is not in the languages, which
are nearly identical. The big difference between each
tool's VBA and VB is that they all work in a different
environment with its own object model. In Excel, you have
to learn the workbook/spreadsheet object model, in Access
its the Access Forms/Reports, Controls, DAO/ADO object
models and so on.

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