I think my problem my be related to this.
Under "Symptoms" is says "A mail merge main document that is opened b
using VBA does not have the data source attached."
Now I've tried the workaround, but while it does clear the SQL messag
it doesn't fix the problem of the data source not being attached.
I have a web based application that allows the use to download
document which has a mailmerge setup in it. The download also create
and downloads a datasource for the mail merge. Its a text file. Onc
the doc is downloaded and opened it should run the mailmerge. Its doe
this fine in Word 2000 but in Word 2002 the mailmerge is not run. I
Word 2002 if I then save the doc as an earlier format, then reopen i
the mailmerge then runs ok.
Is there somethign different about the way word 2002 opens the dat
source for a mailmerge? On reading the info her
especially the part on "Connections". It seems that it has changed. Bu
I'm not clear on whaich method word uses for csv files.
I was wondering where can I see the connection to the database. I ca
see the mergefields in the document but I don't know where to look fo
the connection. Is it in
the normal.dot, the original document where
Under "Symptoms" is says "A mail merge main document that is opened b
using VBA does not have the data source attached."
Now I've tried the workaround, but while it does clear the SQL messag
it doesn't fix the problem of the data source not being attached.
I have a web based application that allows the use to download
document which has a mailmerge setup in it. The download also create
and downloads a datasource for the mail merge. Its a text file. Onc
the doc is downloaded and opened it should run the mailmerge. Its doe
this fine in Word 2000 but in Word 2002 the mailmerge is not run. I
Word 2002 if I then save the doc as an earlier format, then reopen i
the mailmerge then runs ok.
Is there somethign different about the way word 2002 opens the dat
source for a mailmerge? On reading the info her
especially the part on "Connections". It seems that it has changed. Bu
I'm not clear on whaich method word uses for csv files.
I was wondering where can I see the connection to the database. I ca
see the mergefields in the document but I don't know where to look fo
the connection. Is it in
the normal.dot, the original document where